Monday, July 1, 2019

Very Best, Hands-On, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions {A Book Review}

**Book received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.

As parents hoping to raise godly children, we may understand the importance of regular family devotions. However, we may find it difficult to get our kids (or even ourselves) fully engaged. But what if devotions looked less like sitting in the living room listening to someone read and trying to pry answers out of reluctant kids and more like, say, electrocuting a pickle? Or converting a leaf blower into a toilet paper launcher? Or lighting toothpaste on fire?

These hands-on, kinda dangerous, totally unforgettable object lessons (along with nearly fifty others) are not only more fun than other family devotions--they actually deliver the spiritual impact you desire for your kids. They'll even get dads and any too-cool-for-this-stuff teens jazzed about a weekly family devotional time.

So put away the flannelgraph, get out the safety goggles, and start bringing the truths of Scripture to vivid life in your household. Just remember to change out of your Sunday clothes first.

Tim Shoemaker is the author of 14 books. He has worked as a volunteer with youth at his local church for over 25 years and speaks to thousands of students at public schools. He's a popular workshop speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conferences, Moody Pastor's Conference, Focus on the Family, and GREAT Homeschool Conventions. Shoemaker lives in Illinois.

Have you ever tried having family devotional time with your family? I love the idea of a family devotion time, but I must admit that though we've tried a few over the years, while I would enjoy the content myself... we found as a family it was hard to stick to. No, it wasn't due to lack of time (though that certainly can be a factor for many families), but rather it was just tough to really get the kids into the lessons we were trying to teach them. And do we really want devotional time to be a time that brings a sense of dread? Of course not. We want our kids to learn to love and enjoy their time spent with God and the family.

This devotion may be just the solution--- rather than the typical devotions that we are used to: verse, reading, discussion, prayer... this devotional brings lessons from the Bible to life with hands on object lessons, experiments, etc.

I don't know about you, but for me some of the science lessons I remember the best are those that were accomponied by an experiment that allowed us to see the ideas in action. I couldn't tell you anything I read in those science books... but those experiments? Oh yes, I remember them well. Kids not only learn better, but they remember better when you come from a place of fun and interest. That is just what this devotion can provide. With 52 lessons, this gives something to look forward to every week in the year- creating lasting memories and a solid foundation of faith that kids will actually remember and appreciate!

If you are looking for a great way to take your family devotion time to the next level (or for the perfect way to start), this is a must see!

Very Best, Hands-On, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailers.


  1. This devotion book definitely sounds like it will be interesting to kids.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24