Monday, June 17, 2019

Top Tips for Putting Together an Unforgettable Conference

Events occur on a daily basis, for a myriad of reasons, be that for business or pleasure, and, when well organized, can bring people together for a memorable, worthwhile experience. There are different categories of events, and most are held for the purpose of exchanging information or celebrating something noteworthy. However, putting one together can involve a significant amount of work and can create a significant amount of pressure. If you are planning an event, but need some pointers to make sure it goes seamlessly, read on. Here are 6 tips for putting together an unforgettable conference.

Set Objectives

Your event should have clearly defined objectives before you start any phases of planning. The objectives could be to inspire, create more awareness, or educate. Whatever the case, make sure you are aware of them from day one and also include measurable performance metrics. You can then begin planning other aspects of the event from there.

Have a Memorable Theme

Ensuring that your event has a memorable theme is another step to take when planning a conference. You want to create a compelling theme that grabs people’s attention and makes them curious about coming. With that being said, think about who your audience is and what value they will gain by attending. Your conference topic and objectives could have an impact on the theme you choose, so figure that out.  

Choose the Right Venue

After choosing a theme, you want to go ahead and hunt for a venue. Some factors to consider when choosing this is location, accessibility, and also the ambiance. A suitable conference venue needs to be able to comfortably set those you’re accommodating as well as look presentable. You’ll also need to think about what facilities and services that they have, such as equipment, restroom access, and anything else you can think about.

Think About Décor

Your venue should definitely be well decorated if you want to leave a good impression. This could mean getting banners, balloons, or anything that is subtle but brings the theme to life. Your decorations will heavily depend on the type of event it is, so choose what’s most appropriate.

Send Invites Early Enough

If you want people to show up to your event, then you should be sending out invites early enough. Give them enough time to put it into their diaries and also, send follow-up emails. There are several mediums you can use to share invites in this digital age. If you still would like to print your invites, however, Vistaprint is a good option to consider.

Plan the Day

Once you’ve got all the administrative elements out of the way, it’s time to start planning the actual day. You’ll want to come up with a timetable that details what’s going to happen. Some items to include may be guest speaker time slots, tea breaks, networking slots and anything else that will be happening. Also, keep attendees in the know-how so that they know what to expect.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24