Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bible Journaling Spotlight: Back To Basics

When talking about Bible journaling, I often hear people tell me they WANT to Bible journal, but they don't have any supplies, or the budget to spend a lot on them. As we look on Instagram or Pinterest for journaling inspiration, I can certainly see where that idea comes from. In fact, I had very similar thoughts before getting started myself. But.. you really don't need all that to start journaling! So for this week's Bible journaling spotlight, we're going back to the basics.

All you REALLY need to journal? Some pens and/or colored pencils. Yes, that's it. In fact, that's just what I started with. Here are a few of my very first pages when I started using nothing but colored pencils, gel pens and a simple black journaling (Micron) pen:

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While my style has certainly changed, and I've grown more comfortable in artwork... the fact remains, you don't need all the extras! Stick with the basics when you start. Get a feel for journaling before investing a ton, and then if and when you're ready and able, start building your collection as you go. There is no right or wrong way to journal, so don't let lack of supplies keep you from enjoying time in the Word with this creative worship!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24