Monday, May 20, 2019

How to Make Sure Your Child is Protected

Having a child brings all new responsibilities into your life such as ensuring that they are kept safe and that they are looked after. However, many people forget to consider what happens if you die unexpectedly. Taking steps to ensure that your child is protected now is part of your responsibility and means that you can be safe in the knowledge that your child will have the ultimate protection under the jurisdiction of your wishes, even if you are not around.

  • Take Out Life Insurance 

One of the best things that you can do for your child is to take out life insurance as this will ensure that your family is financially stable after your death. By ensuring that you take out life insurance that can be redeemed in the event of an unexpected death, your remaining partner or family will have the funds that they need to care for your child and give them an education. To take out life insurance to protect your child, you should visit Local Life Agents website, whose comparison service and guides can help you to find the right life insurance that can benefit both you and your child.

  •   Change Your Will

You should also change your will whenever a major event happens in your life, and having a child is one of the most important of these. Changing your will ensures that your child will receive their due in parallel to your wishes. Although wills can be contested by the deceased children if financial provision is not made for them, the best way that you can protect your child is to make your wishes blatant within your will. You can create a will by contacting a solicitor or by creating one yourself.

  • State a Legal Guardian

You should always ensure that you assign your child a legal guardian who will be happy to care for them should you or you and your partner pass away. This is particularly important if you are a single parent or you have remarried. Although courts will appoint legal guardians for your child, stating a legal guardian will ensure that your children are sent to the people that you have chosen and that they will not have to be sent into care when the decision is made. This guardian will be in charge of taking care of your child in your absence, including becoming a trustee over any money appointed to them in your will, and so you should always make this decision wisely.

  •  Power of Attorney

You should also make arrangements for if you are unable to make sound decisions at the end of your life. You can do this by appointing someone who will have the power of attorney and the ability to make decisions on your behalf should you become unable to decide these yourself. Through this, you will then be able to decide what decisions you would make in advance as well as the person who would be making these decisions for you.


  1. Insurance is the safest and most effective way to ensure safety!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24