Thursday, February 7, 2019

Top Tips for Effectively Baby Proofing Your Home

When you have a baby or little kid at home, it's crucial that you ensure they have a safe space to explore in. This is why baby proofing is a must for any and all parents. Unfortunately, it's not easy to put yourself in a baby's shoes -- or cute little baby socks -- to know what kind of trouble they'll get into. So there may be some areas of your home you didn't even think to baby proof. To help you make your home as safe as possible for little ones of all ages, here are a few key tips for baby proofing certain areas of your home.

Kitchen and Bathrooms

Let's start with the areas of the house where little ones can get in the most trouble: the bathrooms and the kitchen. While 34% of people who buy homes are looking to avoid problems with electricity or plumbing, these are some of the most common problems in homes. So if you do have any plumbing or electrical problems, like leaks or loose wiring, it's important to get those fixed right away. After addressing those issues, it's time to reorganize your bathrooms and kitchen. These rooms often have plenty of cleaning supplies and other chemicals in them, and they're generally in low cabinets below the sink. If babies can have access to them, then they're not in a good place. You should move any cleaning supplies and detergents into higher cabinets or make sure the cabinet they're in is secured with a child-proof lock. Another thing you may need to move is medicine. If you have your medicine stored in a medicine cabinet in the bathroom, make sure this cabinet has a safety latch so kids can't get into it. And don't forget about getting a safety latch for the toilet too. Lastly, you should keep any appliances, like the toaster or coffee maker, and styling tools, like a curling iron, unplugged when not in use. But don't let the cords dangle, as kids can grab on to them and pull them down. Overall, it's best to keep everything potentially dangerous locked securely away in a cabinet or drawer where it can't be reached by wandering babies or toddlers.

Living Room and Bedrooms

Let's move on to some of the rooms that babies and little kids spend most of their time in: the living room and bedrooms. In these rooms, there is plenty of furniture that they can run and bump into. So if you have furniture with sharp corners, like a coffee table or nightstand, make sure you invest in some corner guards to prevent them from hitting their head on the corners. Additionally, any furniture that can easily be tipped over, like a bookstand or the TV, needs to be securely mounted to the wall. This way, if someone decides to pull on the furniture, it won't come toppling down on them. And if someone in your home is one of the 6.8 million community-resident Americans who use assistive devices for help with mobility, it's important to not leave children alone with any walkers or wheelchairs, as they can climb on them and fall off. You should also consider getting some non-skid material for any rugs you have in these rooms to avoid little ones slipping and falling. Living rooms and bedrooms also tend to have a lot of strangling hazards -- cords for electronics and even cords on the curtains or blinds can all too easily get tangled around a small child. So do your best to store these away or invest in cordless window treatments and proper electronic cord storage. You should basically make sure that anything a small child or baby can reach is safe for them to touch.

Every Room

While each room has specific hazards you'll want to address, there are some hazards that tend to be throughout the whole house. First and foremost, you need to put gates up at the top and bottom of all staircases. Accidents on staircases are the second leading cause of accidental injuries, and the last thing you want is your baby falling down the stairs. Another common hazard, especially in older homes, is electrical outlets. There are plenty of options for plastic outlet caps, so make sure to have those in every room. You may also want to invest in some finger-pinch guards for the doors in your house so your child doesn't get their fingers smashed when playing with the doors. If possible, try to have an area in your home that is dedicated to play time. Basements make a great option for a kid-friendly zone, and with the average basement remodel having up to a 70% ROI, renovating your basement is always a good idea. If you have a designated area for the baby or child to play in, then you can really make sure that area is safe and prevent them from roaming about the whole house. If you do decide to let them wander about the entire house, make sure each room is safe before letting them in. Baby proofing your house is not an easy task. There are a lot of hazards to be concerned about and they need to be addressed before little ones start crawling or walking around. So keep these tips in mind and you'll be well on your way to having a safe home for your kids.


  1. The same story with kitchen items that we had on the bottom shelves. I had to rearrange a lot of things in the house, but it's worth it! When you know that your child will not take anything dangerous, you do not spoil your nerves and the child as well, because they are so upset when you take away what is already in their hands!

  2. My son is 6 months old and I understand well what you are writing about. He just started crawling, but already made it clear to us that the house needs to be rearranged. The first thing I came across was the detergents in the bathroom. The son constantly climbs to them. Thank you for your advice, they are very useful to me!


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