Tuesday, February 19, 2019

HueTrition Live Events In English & Spanish + $25 Gift Card Giveaway

Is one of your goals for 2019 to be healthier? For yourself and your family? If so, this app and giveaway is for YOU!

This information is brought to you by HueTrition. All opinions are my own. 
There is so much to learn about nutrition but many of us do not have the time to find the answers to our questions. That is why I think you are going to love HueTrition Live! It is like having your own personal nutrition expert and chef online!
HueTrition Live is a live online space where you can contact experts, attend health and wellness support groups, see healthy culinary events with our Chefs, take online classes and reach your goals all in one!

FREE Downloadable HuePets app:

HueTrition’s™ debut program, this fun mobile app turns daily healthy eating into a game for young children and their families. Image-Recognition Technology enables kids to “feed” photos of their real-life food to an adorable digital pet, encouraging a well-balanced diet from an early age.  Download it here: http://www.huepets.com

Culinary Classes

Have access to ongoing culinary classes with our chef as well ability to have a conversation live with other people our chef and experts that want to help you achieve your health and wellness goals!

HueTrition E-Book - “Healthy & Colorful Eating Made Fun”

Our HueTrition E-Book called “Healthy & Colorful Eating Made Fun” written by the CEO & Founder! This book has been featured on Times Square in NYC and is worth $9.99, but free with your HueTrition Live subscription!

Infographic Brochure

Add their Infographic brochure to your fridge or office! It details all the benefits of each color of fruits and veggies!

Free Access To  HueTrition Live Events

Get FREE access to all the HueTrition Live Events! Their events often feature experts tackling health and wellness topics you want to know! All you’ll need for this subscription is a computer with a webcam or phone with a camera feature, and access to the internet. You can have access to all of this for less than $10 a month and you can cancel at any time!  HueTrition wants to invite you to join them at their Live Event, Spice It Up! on March 7 at 12pm EST, They will be sharing about all kinds of healthy tips via real-time video to video with our HueChef! Food as Medicine in action! Spices are a great way to add flavor without the calories!
They will answer questions during live events or via email through our site. Your own personal chef from the convenience of your computer or mobile. Sign-up at: Https://www.huetrition.com/shop

Subscribe to their HueTube Channel for healthy tips and more! 

Giveaway Details:

Sponsored by: HueTrition
Organized by: SavingYouDinero.com
1 Winner – $25 Gift Card of your choice
Open to US Residents
Dates – Ends March 5, 2019 1159pm EST


  1. I am not real big on veggies and fruit so I don't seem to incorporate them in my diet.

  2. The biggest struggle that I have to make healthy choices is to find the time to shop and then cook a healthy meal. I have to avoid fast foods.

  3. I just don't eat much at all. So that is a problem.

  4. Chocolate is my biggest struggle I love it.

  5. The biggest struggle that I have to make healthy choices is the cost this time of year.

  6. My biggest struggle has to do with a time factor...sometimes a less healthy dinner, etc. happens due to how much time I have to fix healthier options.

  7. i am jsut really busyand its hard to prep right

  8. Knowing how much to eat, I love veggies and I sometimes eat all veggies. I know that sounds healthy but I feel I eat till I'm full and know that's not healthy. I feel I need to prepare a meal with an assortment of foods.

  9. My biggest struggle is that my kids often want comfort foods, like pasta and pizza and it tempts me!

  10. My biggest struggle is a lack of time and energy.

  11. My biggest struggle is late night cravings

  12. The cost of healthy food vs unhealthy and the convenience of unhealthy food

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24