Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How To Achieve A Work-Life Balance

Working is a part of life that you can’t escape whether you work for leisure or money. However, one of the things people struggle with is not allowing work to overtake their very existence. If you do long hours and find yourself working through the weekends, then you may already classify as one of these people. The good thing is, as a work-life balance is something that’s achievable if you’re ready to make changes to your lifestyle. Find a few tips on how to achieve that balance in your personal life below.

Don’t Take Work Home

Many people fall into the trap of taking work home, and this is often the beginning of the end of work-life balance. There has to be a clear demarcation between work and home if you ever want to have the best of both worlds.
To avoid taking work home, resolve to do as much as you can while at work and give yourself strict self-imposed deadlines. Also, before leaving the office and during the journey home unwind by listening to music, listening to a podcast or doing anything that distracts you from work. Remember that when you bring work home, not only are you bringing the work with you, but it’s likely that you’re bringing the stress too.

Look After Your Health

To maintain the balance between work and life, looking after yourself is essential. Seeing as work is inevitable, look after your body so that you have energy throughout the day and aren’t struggling with lethargy. On your days off, visit the grocery store and buy high-energy foods that you can take to work every day. Some examples of such foods are brown rice, sweet potatoes, dark chocolate, and quinoa.
Aside from your diet, you should also make sure you get enough water to prevent headaches or falling ill due to your immune system being weaker. If you’re in the office and are struggling with either of these things, you should visit as they can bring you treatment wherever you are.

Schedule in You Time

Quality time with yourself is another essential component of work-life balance. However, it can seem like you never have a chance to get around to it. For this reason, your best bet may be to schedule in time for yourself on a weekly basis. It could mean swapping out hanging out with your friends for a night of self-care. During this quality time, you could treat yourself to an indoor spa, read, dance around the house to loud music or simply sleep.

Use Your Days Off For Fun

Aside from the mentioned, fun is a crucial piece of the puzzle that is called work-life balance. Find time to do things that bring you joy outside of work whether it be an adventure, travel or family time. As with self-care, schedule this time and commit to being there no matter what.

You should have a life outside of work, but only you can make sure of that. It doesn’t have to consist of wild nights out, but you should be doing something else that you love. Also, spending time with your loved ones is a way to help strike that much-needed balance.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24