Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Repurposing your Excess Wood Flooring

Home renovation projects can come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, making those all-important adjustments to your home can be a breeze, costing very little and requiring almost no effort to complete. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and more drastic action is required. This can range from painting and wallpapering, building an extension, or even installing new flooring. If your home has recently undergone the transformation of new floors, chances are you made plenty of preparations to ensure that everything went as smoothly as possible. Whether you hired a professional fitter or got hands on with some good, old fashioned DIY, you will have done the research, evaluated the cost, and took all the necessary measurements. But even with all of this in mind, it’s likely that, at the end of your renovation, you’ll find a variety of flooring off-cuts. As the installation of flooring is a costly procedure, it can be disheartening to see these left-overs go to waste. Luckily, you don’t always have to. If you chose wood flooring for your home, these off-cuts can be used to create some truly unique, handcrafted items, worthy of a place in your newly renovated home. Because wood flooring is durable, sturdy, and naturally stunning, there’s no end to possibilities! Here are some quick and easy ideas to get you upcycling in no time: 

Tables and Benches 
Wood flooring is known for its high stability. Because of this, you can guarantee that most wood floor boards will be strong and level without fail. Coincidentally, objects such as tables and benches have similar requirements. With very little effort, your larger off-cuts of wood flooring can be easily repurposed into strong, reliable pieces of furniture. As most wood flooring is designed to be comfortable to the touch, you won’t even need to sand and refinish your new furniture before use!  

One of the easiest yet most effective uses of excess wood flooring is for additional storage. When building shelves at home, you need to know that the material you are using can stand the test of time. Because wooden floors are specifically designed to carry the weight of day to day foot traffic, left-over off-cuts are an outstanding choice for shelving. With upcycled wooden flooring, you can rest assured that your books, collectibles, and trinkets will be safe from harm for years to come.  

Planter Boxes 
If you’re someone with a green thumb, excess wood flooring can be an amazing addition to your garden. Getting crafty and building your own wooden planters can be an effective way of optimising your garden space. With a range of different sized off-cuts at hand, you’ll be able to create unique plant beds that perfectly match the requirements of your garden. 

Chopping Boards 
For something a little less labour intensive, designing and making your own kitchenware can be an excellent way of repurposing wasted wood floor boards. Something as simple as a chopping board can be made almost instantly. Ultimately, this one-of-a-kind piece could save you money, and look great whilst doing so! 

Seasonal Ornaments 
In the lead-up to Christmas, there’s no better family activity than getting together and making something special for your mantel piece, Christmas tree, or even to fill a stocking or two. For off-cuts that fit within the palm of your hand, a few simple cuts and a lick of paint can result in bespoke decorations that will impress and delight. Feel free to use your imagination, and let your creativity run wild!  


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