Friday, October 26, 2018

Ways to Make Your Favorite Meals Healthy

Does your family love a sneaky trip to the pizzeria or the local Chinese restaurant? Well what if you could still enjoy them? You just have to be a little inventive and make some small changes!
Have you ever tried frozen banana in the blender? Well it is a game changer, tastes exactly like ice-cream! You’re going to learn to make some simple changes that will have you eating healthy in no time.
Healthy Fried Rice, That Still Tastes like Rice
Rice can be good in moderation however, if you find that when you cook it there is enough for the whole village (and you managed it eat it all) it might be time to find an alternative.
All you need to do is roughly chop your cauliflower and throw in a food processor for a minute.  You will find that the texture is very similar to rice. Use this ‘faux’ rice can be used in any dish where you would have normally used white rice and it tastes just the same. One of our favorites is cauliflower fried rice, the family didn’t even blink an eyelid when I served this one up!

We All Scream for Healthy Ice cream
We all love ice-cream, but if you have ever brought a tub and ‘accidentally’ finished the whole tub, this can help. If you see some brown bananas at the shop or have some, don’t throw them out, peel and freeze them now! When your ready for some yummy ice-cream grab them out and throw them in the blender for 1 mins -2 mins. You will find it turns into fluffy banana ice cream in no time!
It is delicious on its own, but you can add anything you love in ice-cream. You could throw in some blueberries, coconut milk or mint. You won’t believe how similar the consistency and taste is to ice cream!

Love a Cosy Sunday Roast Dinner?
There is nothing like having the family together for a roast meal on a Sunday. For some families it is a traditional for others it’s a reason to eat themselves silly! There is no need to abandon this cosy ritual to eat well, you just need to think of some yummy alternatives.
Why not try some honey carrots in the microwave, or homemade crispy sweet potato chips instead of the usual heavy fare? We have even tried smoked beef roast rather than usual option which sits in oil to cook!

Sweet Dreams Are Made of Cheese
Whether it is salty, creamy, stinky or sharp we all have our favorite cheese. A pastime we couldn’t dream of giving up!

Have you ever made a cake and thought twice about having a third piece when you remember the two cups of sugar in it as well as the stick of butter! Well what if you could make your own cheese, then you will know how milk, cream and salt your consuming!

Start off with something easy like ricotta, all need is some milk, salt and a cheese bag (can’t find one, just make you own). You will be eating delicious combination like blueberries and ricotta on sourdough or spinach and ricotta ravioli in no time!

Don’t Step Away from The French Fries
The next time you want fries try baking them instead of deep frying them liters of oil. When at home try tossing your sweet potato wedges in a bag with olive oil and semolina. This coating with ensure you get a crispy oven chip every time. You can also try using a healthy oil like coconut to help reduce your cholesterol levels.

Educating yourself is crucial when it comes to eating well. Rather than denying yourself or overindulging just a few tweaks here and there won’t have you missing out on anything. Turn these idea and behaviors in habits to ensure you lead the healthiest lifestyle possible (well still enjoying it)!


  1. These are all good tips to keep in mind.

  2. Healthy food is the key to a healthy and happy life. I also want to try this, I mean to eat only healthy food. I create this idea after writing an essay, which I bought here I get an excellent mark for it.

  3. Thanks for giving us detailed tips on healthy and happy life. You write so well about it, so I think you can write some science essays concerning this topic, like here, for example, science essays.

  4. Thank you for sharing. Great tips. I know our family needs to eat more healthy.

  5. Wow. I have never ever know about it. I will add this part of information onmy site. I think that with my writer from we can make something cool as this post!

  6. Your tips are so valuable that everyone should folow them who takes cares of his health!

  7. Lot of good information her. I got a airfryer and it has really helped me to eat more healthy.

  8. I like making homemade fries in my air fryer. A healthier option that tastes delicious.

  9. there are some good tips/ ideals here I would like to say I always go for a healthier option but that would be a lie......... but I am trying


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24