Thursday, October 4, 2018

A Secret To Die For {A Book Review}

**Book received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.
When the weather starts to cool, and those cool fall days keep us inside more, there is nothing I love more than curling up with a cozy blanket, a cup of coffee and a good book. I oftentimes find myself reading Christian non-fiction- books that can help me grow in my faith... but sometimes more than anything I just need a little escape from reality with a good ol' fashioned mystery novel!

'A Secret to Die For' fit that bill perfectly:

Psychologist Grace Callahan has no idea that she has a secret--one worth killing for. But when she finds out one of her clients has been murdered, she quickly realizes that the computer security specialist wasn't simply suffering from paranoia.
Detective Nate Quinn has just been cleared for active duty after a bombing killed eighteen people, including his partner, and left him dealing with PTSD. His first case back on the job involves the murder of Stephen Shaw, and his only lead turns out to be an old friend, Grace Callahan--and her life is in grave danger. Someone believes Shaw gave his psychologist information before he died. Information they are willing to kill for.
With her signature pulse-pounding suspense, Lisa Harris takes readers deep into the heart of fear in this race against the clock.

If you're looking for a book that will grab your attention from page one, this is most certainly the book for YOU! While many books take a chapter or two to introduce us to the characters and set the scene before diving in, 'A Secret To Die For' is action packed right at the start. We're introduced to our main character as she discovers an intruder is trying to enter her home, with the backstory revealed a little at a time as we read on.

Now, I'll be honest--- as much as I love to read, these days with two little ones to take care of, my reading time is much more limited than it used to be. So often when I find a story is taking too long to get started, I find myself growing bored of it. Yes, I know they're usually worth the wait if I give it a chance, but more often than I'd care to admit, I've found myself not giving it that chance. And so, for me I loved that there was no delay... it sucked me in immediately and kept me captivated until the very end. I won't give too much away, but this book had it ALL- it was smart, it was full of turns and twists and mysteries that kept you guessing until the very end, and yes it even had some romance too. I don't typically read a mystery for the romance, but this one was one I couldn't help rooting for!

I also loved the themes of faith in this book. Faith and murder stories don't often go together in our minds, but this one was executed perfectly. It wasn't in your face as one might expect from a novel from a Christian publisher such as this one, but was done in a way that made sense for the story and the characters--- a question of faith in the midst of horrible tragedy and God's place in it all. It wasn't preachy, but instead felt very genuine. As a Christian, I enjoyed this aspect, but I also felt like it was not such a dominant part of the story that non-Christians could not enjoy it as well. Also being from a Christian publisher, there was no language, etc to worry about either!

Overall, this was a GREAT story and one that I wished could have continued on. I highly recommend it and will be looking for more from Lisa Harris myself. 'A Secret To Die For' is available to purchase now at your favorite book retailers.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24