Friday, June 29, 2018

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About PlusCBD Oil #momsmeet #ad

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

When it comes to health, when possible, I like to take the more natural approach.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that medications have their time and place but when possible I like to try natural remedies first. That can include essential oils or nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. I mean, if they work... isn't it better to go that route? Throughout the years, I've done a lot of research on different natural remedies for everything from anxiety to eczema and everything in between. And over and over again I'm seen one remedy coming up over and over again... CBD oil.

But I must be 100% honest, though I have heard the great results that others had gotten, I struggled to get my mind around the stigma around it. I don't even drink alcohol, let alone anything more than that...anything mind altering is not something that I want any part of. I had to do some more research to find out what this product was truly all about.

Today, I am sharing the facts that I found in hopes that it will help YOU make the decision that is best for your own health and comfort level.

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is derived from Hemp and is a phytocannabinoid: a plant derived cannabinoid. CBD has been recognized for its benefits on human health and its ability to affect nearly every biological process. No wonder it keeps coming up in my searches, am I right?

So, how does it work? 

CBD interacts with our innate internal system- the Endocannabinoid System or ECS. Identified in 1992, the ECS is composed of specialized lipids, receptors and the enzymes that produce and degrade them. Through direct and indirect actions, endocannabinoids are known to modulate and influence a variety of physiological systems, including appetite, pain, inflammation, thermoregulation, intraocular pressure, sensation, muscle control, energy balance, metabolism, sleep health, stress responses, motivation/reward, mood, and memory.

I know, I know... a little bit confusing, right? If biology isn't your strength let's put it much more simply--- it impacts a system that is responsible for many, many other systems affecting our overall health and well being. For this reason, in its various forms it can be used to aid in a variety of issues from pain to skin troubles!

But... is it legal!?

That's always the big question, right? We know that marijuana is illegal in most states, so are these hemp derived CBD products legal to purchase and ship? YES! These products are created from agricultural hemp containing less than .3% THC in dry weight making it exempt from the Federal Controlled Substance Act. THC is the substance in marijuana that causes the high. CBD is non-psycho-toxic so it will NOT give you those feelings of euphoria. Instead, you get the health benefits without those extra side effects that we do not want. For instance, did you know that hemp has GREAT nutritional value, providing nutrients such as fatty acids that the body needs and that must be consumed through diet? This is just one benefit that we can gain.

I think this is a note that is worth repeating so I'll say it again: CBD Oil will NOT get you high!

All that being said, if you are required to pass a drug test it is recommended NOT to use CBD or any hemp derived products. While it is legal, safe and non-high producing, it still DOES contain trace amounts of THC which could potentially show up in a drug test.

How do I use it? What products are available?

How you use will all depend on what issues you are trying to address. PlusCBD oil offers a variety of products with varying degrees of strength that we can choose from to best fit our personal needs. PlusCBD Oil recommends that you start with a very low dosage first, and slowly increasing until you find the perfect dose. But here are some usage ideas to get you started:

  • For those on the go and need a quick and easy solution, PlusCBD Oil Capsules are a great option. They are easily swallowed and offer 15 mg per serving which makes them a little bit more intense support wise. Likewise, PlusCBD Oil Softgels offer 15 mg CBD per serving offering high intensity support, but are formulated with an extra-virgin olive oil base.
  • Need a little less support...or not quite ready to jump in that far yet? There are lower dosage options for you too. First up, the PludCBD Oil Drops. These can be added into a drink or even smoothie to get your daily CBD. Each serving contains 3 mg of CBD. I like that this option gives you a little bit more control over your personal dosage.
  • The PlusCBD Oil Extra Strength Spray likewise offers 3 mg of CBD per serving and is ideal for those who are new to CBD to start with. Just spritz into your mouth for a refreshing taste and your perfect dose.
  • Finally, an external option--- the PlusCBD Oil Balm revitalizes skin and is ideal for dry/chapped skin. The entire jar contains 50 mg of CBD and CBDA. I must admit I was concerned on how it would smell--- I mean, would it smell like drugs!? BUT it actually has a very refreshing peppermint scent that was very pleasant.
Personally, I preferred to use the balm myself. I found it did work wonderfully for some dry patches that other lotions and balms did not seem to touch.

No matter which product you choose, all PlusCBD Oil products are gluten free, non-GMO, 100% vegetarian and grown without herbicides, pesticides or fungicides. They are CO2 extracted (a chemical free and enviromentally friendly process) and are tested in a state of the art lab for cannibinoid content, pesticides, contaminates, heavy metals and contaminates, making sure your get the best product possible. They even send them for third party testing!

You can learn more and connect at the links below:

Visit the Website.
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Ready to try it for yourself? PlusCBD Oil is available to purchase at your local independent health
food stores or at To find PlusCBD Oil in your area, visit: for the full list of locations. You can use the code momsmeet17 to save 15% off your online purchase!

Have you tried CBD Oil? What did you think? Love it, hate it, worth the hype? Would you try it, or are you uncertain? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


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