Friday, March 16, 2018

Ditch the Screen with OneByTwo Quality Time Kits: Part Craft/Part Game! {A Review}

**Game received for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

Spring--- and spring break--- is almost here!

You know what that means, don't you? More time outside! My son is already enjoying time riding his bike through the cul de sac with his friends now that the weather is starting to turn.

But if you live in the midwest like we do, those spring days also mean rainy days! Nothing to kill the spring break fun quite like being trapped inside with nothing to do. And let's get real, that doesn't stop with spring either, but all through summer too. And I for one certainly do get tired of hearing the dreaded, "I'm bored!" And while screen time can be great on occasion, we don't want to spend ALL of our time sitting in front of a screen!

So, what do you do? In our home, there are two favorite non-screen activities that my kids always enjoy--- crafting and board games! Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to combine these two loves into one great family activity!?

Introducing OneByTwo Quality Time Kits:

Our Quality Time Kits© are designed to be opened, built and played in less than an hour by one adult and one child (from the age of 6 and up). The Creativity of a Craft, the Engagement of a Board Game and the Spatial Thinking of Three-Dimensional puzzle, all packed into a single kit, delivered straight to your home.
And when your time is up, you can store, unfold it or recycle it to save space. The next design is on its way.

Sounds fun, right? I was recently given the chance to try out their Desert Rock game. Take a look:

A group of determined Desert Mountain Goats (Nubian Ibex) want to get to the water holes on the desert plane. But three sly Foxes have other plans. Who will win the survival game of the Desert Rock? A 3-dimensional challenge for one adult and one child from ages 6 and up. 

So, what sets these games apart from your run of the mill board game? It's not JUST a game! It's a craft too. It comes completely unassembled. The fun starts with putting it together! It's not a difficult assembly, but definitely not for the youngest kiddos. It took a couple of tries to figure it out, but after he got the hang of it, it was very easy for my 10-year-old. He loves building crafts, so this was right up his alley.

Then came the game play! Now, something to know about my son is that for most things he has a very short attention span... so while he may enjoy some more classic board games, the longer play times usually have him looking to quit before a winner has been declared. The beauty of this game is that all in all, it can be played in a little under an hour--- and because part of that is the building and the other part is game play, it even further manages to hold his attention even longer. Moms with busy kids know that this is GREAT news! The rules are easy to follow, the game play is fun... the perfect way to spend the rainy day!

When the game is over, you can unfold and store away to be used again. This is another huge plus in my house. As much as we enjoy games, they tend to take up a lot of space that we simply do not have! This fits in about a 5x7 inch envelope, relatively flat, so you could fit several easily in the place of one typical board game. Awesome, right?

These kits are available individually, or as a month to month subscription so you can have a brand new game delivered to your door each and every month! Whether you're looking for a rainy day activity or just a great way to spend non-screen time with the kids, these kits are a great way to go.

Learn more and get your subscription started at the links below:

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  1. That looks like a fun game. Different enough to keep kids interested.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24