Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How to Make the Most Out of Your Small Backyard

Thanks to countless reality shows on channels like TLC and HGTV, home improvement is having a bit of a moment. Then there are the home magazines, online blogs, and YouTube stars giving the public great examples on how to update their homes. Hardscaping, shiplap, open layouts, and house flipping are all buzzwords one will hear when encountering any type of home improvement source.

However, a focus shift has begun to happen recently from interior to exterior. The outside of a house is becoming just as important as the inside. People are adding new shutters and trimming their hedges to create an irresistible curb appeal. You know what else homeowners are updating? Their backyards. About 64% of homeowners that are upgrading their outdoor areas are putting the work into their backyards.

One major motivation for renovating homes is to create more entertaining space. The Houzz Spring Landscaping Trends Study found that 83% of the people who responded think about their backyard as “an ideal entertaining space,” and better utilizing your backyard space is a great way to add more entertaining space to your home.
Even if you have a small backyard, your outdoor entertaining dreams can still come true. You just have to know how to correctly utilize the space. Here are amazing tips how on to do just that to create the perfect backyard oasis.

Appropriate Sized Furniture and Structures
What is an outdoor entertaining space without a seating area? Even though you may have a big family, it may not be the best idea to create a dining area fit for 12 people. Built in tables and islands are a great way to utilize that space without overwhelming the area, while still adding awesome piece. On the same note, you want to watch out for huge plants and foliage. Don’t let a 10 foot wide towering tree overpower your backyard space.

Carry Your Interior Design Schemes Outside
One way to make your backyard look bigger than it is is to create a seamless, flowing design. If you carry out themes and colors from the inside out, it will all feel like one big space instead of choppy, separate spaces. Using the same design and colors will make the backyard feel like just  another living space, instead of a backyard.

Make Everything Functional
Before you start buying furniture pieces and outdoor rugs, you have to decide what exactly the purpose of your space is going to be. Do you want an outdoor kitchen type feel? Maybe a fireplace will suit your fancy. Whatever you do, it has to be functional when you are dealing with limited space. It may be best to stick to one main functional item, unless you have the space to split it in two.

Draw In the Eye With Lighting
Having appropriate lighting is a great way to play tricks on the eye. Many people use their outdoor entertaining spaces after sunset in the summertime, so lighting is necessary. Use light features to draw the eye to main focal points. Backlights set behind structures can also add depth to the space.

Know How to Landscape Your Space
Landscaping is one of the most important aspects of making an outdoor space look great. If you have too much or overgrown landscape, your space will look crowded and sloppy. If you don’t have enough landscaping, your backyard will look bare. The best way to landscape a backyard to is play with height. Because you don’t have a ton of horizontal space to work with, the only place to go is up. This will cause the eye to venture to heights that would normally not be seen otherwise. This is similar to the effect that high ceilings have in small rooms, and how they make them feel bigger.

Hang Everything You Can
One way to create more space for your backyard is to hang things. Utilizing vertical spaces not only make the space appear to be taller, and there will be less clutter on the ground. Hang things like plants or small artwork. This will make the space pop, and it will leave you with more ground space than you had before.

If you are looking to create a backyard oasis but feel discouraged because your yard is small, cast those worries aside! There are so many things you can do to utilize your space. If you feel overwhelmed and that you can’t do it by yourself, consider hiring a professional. You wouldn’t be the only one. Harris Poll did a study recently for the National Association of Landscape Professionals, and it showed that 67% of people in the United States agreed that hiring a professional for landscaping would allow them to have a nicer yard.


  1. These are great tips. So many people have postage stamp backyards, so this is helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  2. My yard only has a small amount of space, it's a long but narrow lot and most of it is always wet.


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