Friday, February 23, 2018

Bible Journaling 101: Using Tip Ins in Journaling

**Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own. 


If you've watched my Illustrated Faith unboxing videos, chances are you've heard me use this term a lot. In fact, I've probably said it in just about every single one. And if you're an active journaler, you probably new exactly what I was referring to. But those who are new to this type of journaling might have found yourself thinking...

What on earth is a tip in!?

In the history of book printing, a tipped in page is a page that was not originally printed in the book, but is printed separately and attached later. And in journaling- be it Bible journaling or otherwise, it's pretty much the same concept. It is essentially a mini page added to your page that you can use for additional journaling, notes or even images.

How do you tip in a page to your journaling page?

Adding a tip is perhaps one of the simplest journaling methods out there to learn. First decide where you want your tip in to go. Using washi tape, tape down whatever it is you're tipping in, flip open and do the same to the inside. This creates a little hinge that allows you to flip it open and closed. Like I said, super easy!

Why use a tip in?

In journaling, there are many reasons to use a tip in. These can include:

  • Extra room for writing. Sometimes you just need more room to record your thoughts or notes than the margin of your page will allow. Use tip ins for extra writing room.
  • Adding memories. Maybe there was an important event or a moment in your life that you want to journal about. You can tip in photos or other paper mementos to better record these memories. 
  • Keep journaling more private. Now, that might sound like a silly reason, as most of us do think of journaling as more private and traditionally it usually is. But I love sharing my Bible journaling as a way to share the Bible with a new audience,as do many others. Tip in can allow me to share my pages, while still giving me that space for my thoughts. 
  • For visual interest. Let's be honest, one of the great things about art journaling is that it's a creative outlet, and have fun with art. Sometimes you don't need any other reason to add a tip in other than just for a fun look! 

What can you use for a tip in?

There are endless possibilities on what can be used as an appropriate tip in. You can purchase actual tip ins created just for that purpose or any piece of small paper, cardstock, etc will do. Here are a few ideas to get you started, but feel free to think outside the box:

  • Journaling Cards. You can purchase cute cards made just for journaling or keep it simple with an index card too... painted or plain, whatever you prefer. 
  • Photos. As a bonus, you can even use the back of the photo for notes too! 
  • Postcards. While this post focuses more on Bible journaling, this can be a fun idea if you're journaling your travels... tipping in a post card from your trips. You can still do this in your Bible journaling as well too! 
  • Scrapbook Paper. Use a Silhouette to create unique shapes, or just make simple squares, it doesn't matter. Using scrapbook paper can be a great way to add in some fun colors and patterns to your pages, and can be found at great prices too! 
  • Project Life Cards. While these cards may have been created for a completely different type of journaling, they can work really well as tip ins for Bible journaling as well. 
  • Tickets, Programs, Etc. Maybe you attended a Christian concert or a conference that inspired a journaling page... you can tip in those tickets just as you would a photograph. I have seen people who have incorporated wedding invitations, baby announcements, and even funeral programs into their pages. What a beautiful way to remember these moments. 
  • Devotional Cards. In the most recent versions of the Illustrated Faith monthly devotional kits, one of the biggest changes was the switch from a devotional booklet to devotional cards. I must admit, when I first saw this change, I wasn't the biggest fan, and I'd heard feedback from some of you that you weren't sure about them either, but after giving it a chance, these have become some of my favorites and I love using them as tip in. Each card is about the size of a postcard and features a short devotional. Some have a little room for writing, others do not. I love creating two page spreads with these. On one page I will tip in the devo card, on the opposite I will do more personal and creative journaling. I love these because I can VERY easily just flip open these cards and reread and see exactly what I had read that inspired the page--- much easier than referring to a separate devotional. Though I was uncertain about them at first, this has truly become my favorite way to journal lately. (You can check out all of the Illustrated Faith Monthly Devotional Kits here.)

Now you know the what and the how, now it's time to get started adding those tip ins to your journaling. Be it in your Bible, your planner or just you every day journaling, tip ins can be a great way to add space and interest to all of your pages.

Find great supplies and inspiration from Illustrated Faith here:

DEAL ALERT: Now through Monday, you can save $20 off your purchase of $60 site wide PLUS get free shipping when you use the code 20DOLLARS at checkout! Now is a GREAT time to stock up!!

Do you use tip ins in your journaling? What are your favorite ways to do so? New to journaling? What other techniques and tips would you like to read more about?


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24