Friday, December 22, 2017

New Year, New Germs! {A Pfizer Prize Pack Giveaway} #NewYearGerms #SickJustGotReal

Welcome to the Chestnuts Roasting Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!


This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

Tis the season to be... Sickly?

Well, that might not be how the song went originally went, but in my house it never fails that as soon as the holidays are over and we bring in the new year, we're down for the count. I don't know if it's the colder weather or all the family festivities and cousins sharing germs over the holidays, but it happens. Each and every year.

What's a mama to do!?

We could put them in bubbles and lock ourselves inside during the holidays, of course... but well, where's the fun in that!? The reality is when people get together--- especially kids--- we just have to enjoy it and be prepared to deal with anything that may come after with a fully stocked medicine cabinet and/or travel bag!

Thankfully when sick gets real, Pfizer Pediatric has us covered! Today, we're looking at three solutions that I will personally be taking along in my travel bag--- just in case: Children’s Advil®, Children’s Robitussin® and Children’s Dimetapp®.

When it comes to new year sickness, the most common culprit seems to be a fever and a common cold! And let me tell you, fevers are no fun ANY time of the year--- add in traveling--- yikes! Children’s Advil® Suspension is perfect for any child 2 to 11 years old. It helps us to bring the fever down fast and helps to relieve those aches and pains so that we can enjoy the time together! It also comes in several great tasting varieties that your children are sure to love including:  Sugar-free Dye-free Berry, Bubble Gum, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape flavors. Have a younger child? Infants’ Advil® White Grape is ideal for children 6-23 months!

The next most common woe this time of year are that annoying cough and chest congestion. No fun! It makes the little ones feel miserable and keeps them awake all night long--- which means NO one gets any rest! Forget about the silent nights or sleeping in during winter break! For that, there are two great options.  First up, Children's Robitussin® DM Day/Night Pack (Children’s Robitussin® Cough & Chest Congestion and Children’s Robitussin® Nighttime Cough). The non-drowsy daytime formula helps break up chest congestion during the day for kids ages 4+, while the nighttime formula works on children ages 6+ to relieve cough and runny nose while helping kids to get the much needed rest they need to fight off the sickness!

Children’s Dimetapp® Cold & Cough is also great for children ages 6+ to tackle stuffy and runny noses and relieve cough--- without the drowsiness during the day!

No matter what New Year Germs come our way, these products are sure to have our kids back on their feet and enjoying their vacation in no time at all!

It is important to remember to always read and keep the cartons for complete warnings and dosing information on Pfizer Pediatric products and to use as directed.

Want to learn more about these products? Visit the links below:
·         Sick just got real.™ website
·         Sick just got real.™ Facebook page

And one very lucky reader is going to win a prize pack featuring the products mentioned in this post and a $25 Visa Gift Card! Enter to win using the giveaway form below:

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  1. Having 5 kids, I appreciate this giveaway. When sickness hits, it is costly so I like to be prepared.

  2. These are great products to use when my grandsons are sick.

  3. Good giveaway, especially with kids getting sick more now that they are back in public school.

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to win

  5. Being sick is no fun! This medicine would help :)


  6. subscribe email: slehan at excite dot com
    Thanks for the contest.

  7. Great product and reminder to get our flu shots!

  8. This has been a bad year for colds and flu here. This would be great to have on hand.

  9. Merry Christmas!

    slehan at juno dot com

  10. When my son was little the only thing that got his fevers down was Advil.

  11. With 2 kids in school, someone is always getting sick.

  12. Would be great to have for my niece.

  13. Preparing for my annual bronchitis/flu every year in February Rosanne

  14. we go through a lot of ibuprofen this time of year

  15. Ugh!! Its such a struggle!! Now that my son is in school he gets whatever everyone else has!! Darn germy kiddos!!

  16. I try to keep my kids clean, well rested and drinking lots of water!

  17. This is the right time of year to win this prize pack

  18. We use plenty of hand sanitizer and chicken noodle soup to stay well this time of year.

  19. This would be super handy for cold and flu season.

  20. This would be great since the flu and cold season is upon us. Schools and friends have been sick lately.

  21. Hate cold and flu season! At least having these products on hand helps us to get through it.

  22. Ashley Chassereau ParksJanuary 4, 2018 at 9:02 PM

    Thankfully, my kids haven't been sick much. They did have a little cough for about a week, but it went away as suddenly as it came. I love having things on hand this time of year though just in case.

  23. We havent caught the 'bug' yet, but we have Kleenex,soups and lots of juice on hand.

    Ellen Beck
    on form

    BTW your form is SUPER to the left, kinda tough to tell what you want :/

  24. The "magic word" that you require for a contest entry are phrases.

  25. It is always best to be prepared for cold season. We trusted these products when our daughter was young.

  26. I love these products and they all usually have great coupons to save money also

  27. I usually stock up on cough syrup to make living with a cold or flu much easier to do throughout the interim.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24