Monday, October 2, 2017

Creating A Personal Budget Can Protect You From Unexpected Expenses


Creating a personal budget may not be one of the most exciting things to do. However, when you're running a family and a home, a personal budget can be just what the doctor ordered. A home budget helps your family manage debt, savings, expenses, and personal wealth.
Building a budget that works for your family and managing that budget year-round can feel intimidating. But it's more intimidating to think about the number of expenses you have to pay every month without knowing how much money you'll have left over for the kids' school supplies.
Consider the following tips to help you create, manage, and stay on track with your personal family budget.

A buffer in your budget can help you stay sane

It may be a relief to have a low utility in a given month or for your car to run well for a certain amount of time. However, you can't always guarantee that those numbers will be consistent. Consider the worst case scenario when building your budget.
By working against your highest expenses, you can give yourself some wiggle room in your budget during the times when an unexpected expense comes up. It also helps prevent the financial panic that can result from a higher utility bill when you're least expecting it.

Be realistic when creating your budget

Before you develop a budget, it's important that you look at your everyday spending and how much money you spend on personal care and dining out. Bigger expenses like mortgage, utilities, and car payments are expected by homeowners. But very few are fully aware of how much money they spend when they go out.
By analyzing your total daily expenditures, you'll have a realistic idea of how much money you'll need to put aside in each category of your budget. It would be a dream to say you'll stop eating out -- think of how much money you'd save -- but then you wouldn't have any money in your budget for the times when you really do want to go out.
"Separate fixed and discretionary spending," says "To arrive at real tallies, analyze your credit card and checking account statements carefully."

Don't forget about your debt

Not that anyone could really forget about their debt, whether it's student loan payments or credit card bills. Your debt and whether or not you're paying it off effectively enough has a big impact on your credit score. In turn, your credit score affects your chances of being able to make the big purchases you may have been working toward with your budget in the first place.
A credit score that's between 500 to 600 is considered subprime by many banks, real estate companies, and automobile companies. Those who have a credit score between 300 and 500 are considered by these same places as deep subprime.
Creating a budget that lets you pay off just a little bit more than the minimum of your debt payment can help you increase your credit score as well as pay off your debt faster.
Building a personal budget may not be too much fun, but it can help you manage your money more efficiently. With controlled finances, you won't have to worry as much about surprise expenses or saving for your dream home. Over time, your budgeting maintenance will come naturally to you and so will your savings.


  1. It's so important to start young watching your spending. I suggest you start saving as soon as you can, watch what you spend and try and cut back where you can.

  2. I'm always trying to come up with ways to stretch my budget spending and increase the money coming in. Its challenging..

  3. Our family has a budget and I like that it keeps us accountable and I always know how much money we have coming in and going out.

  4. Once a started keeping a budget, it was amazing to see all the little things I spent money on that I never realized.

  5. We don't keep a budget. It's a great idea but I don't have enough discipline to stick with it.

  6. Having a buffer in your budget is really great advice. I've experienced a bill changing without my knowledge and realizing it too late! Sometimes even a little change can make a big difference! It's good to have that buffer so you don't feel the brunt of a change.

  7. To be clear, the primary types of personal loans that exist are secured (protected) personal loans and unsecured (not protected) personal loans.guarantor loans

  8. To take out an unsecured loan you need to be resident in France and have a steady income. You need to provide proof of your income and there is a credit scoring system as in the UK.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24