Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tips to Ease Morning Sickness Naturally {with Sea-Band Mama!} #MomsMeet

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Aw, pregnancy!

It's such a beautiful and special time in a woman's life... but let's be honest... as wonderful as the idea of and the outcome of a pregnancy is... the getting there... well... it can be anything less than glamorous! Morning sickness!? Well, whoever came up with that name clearly had never experienced it. If only it was JUST morning! So, what's an expecting mama to do? Today I'm sharing a few tips that might just help ease the discomfort and nausea associated with morning sickness.

  • Ginger. Ginger is perhaps one of the most well know natural remedies from morning sickness and nausea in general. Try ginger ale or some natural ginger candies for relief.
  • Something Sour. I'm not sure what it is, but there is something about sour candies, lemons, etc that can help ease nausea. 
  • Keep Saltines Handy. With my pregnancies, I found that if I got too hungry, the nausea grew worse. Still, when you feel sick, it's hard to eat, right? Saltines are great because they tend to be more bland and a little easier to stomach... so munch on them between meals if you are able. (I was always told to keep them right be the bed and to eat a few before standing up!)
  • Aromatherapy. I'm a big fan of essential oils for most ailments as an added form of relief. Be sure to research well on oils appropriate for use during pregnancy. 
  • Accupressure Bracelets. Now I'm not a scientist, so I cannot say exactly how this works, but for many- it does! These bracelets apply pressure to the wrist that has been shown to reduce nausea not just in pregnancy but also motion and travel sickness too.
Sea-Band has been offering nausea support from motion/travel sickness and morning sickness for many years through their accupressure bracelets. These are knitted elastic wrist bands that apply pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure. Don't know what that means? It's a point between two central tendons near your wrist that scientific studies have shown is one of the most effect drug-free treatments for morning sickness! No wonder it's recommended by midwives and pregnant women around the world. An Italian study has also found that morning sickness was reduced in 70% of women who used Sea-Band acupressure bands. Wow! For Instructions on positioning the Sea-Band Mama! bands, please see this page:

Now, chances are if you've been pregnant before you've at least heard of Sea-Band, if not tried them for yourself. But did you know that Sea-Band Mama! also offers MORE great products for natural morning sickness relief.

First up, Sea-Band Mama! Ginger and Spearmint Rollette. As I mentioned above, aromatherapy can be a great relief to many ailments, morning sickness included!  Inhalation of essential oils stimulates the body’s olfactory system, transferring a signal to the limbic system thus triggering the release of natural chemicals that relieve tummy upset. This was specially formulated by healthcare professionals with lime, spearmint and ginger oils in a prediluted mix. Mamas to be can simple roll onto wrirsts, temple or chest as needed for relief. 

And finally, Sea-Band Mama! Ginger Lozenges. As I said, natural ginger has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to counteract the pain associated with stomach upsets. How does it work?  By stimulating the production of digestive juices, it acts quickly to neutralise stomach acids and soothe tummies. Again, I'm not a doctor, I don't completely understand all that, but it does help many people. These lozenges are free of artificial colors and flavors and instead use natural Zingiber Officinale, full of essential oils gingerol and shogaol. You can take one lozenge in the morning or as needed throughout the day, no more than 10 a day. 

The thing with morning sickness relief is that we are all so unique and these remedies may not all work for every single person. Still, these are natural remedies that are tried and true by fellow mommies. Together or alone, Sea-Band Mama! has everything you need to try and combat morning sickness naturally!

Sea-Band Mama! is available to purchase at CVS pharmacy, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, Target, and many other drug stores and pharmacies. To find Sea-Band Mama! in your area, visit: for the full list of locations.

You can learn more and connect with Sea-Band Mama! below:

Have you or are you suffering from morning sickness? Did you try any Sea-Band Mama! products? Any other must try tips that worked for you? 


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