Monday, September 25, 2017

Finding Time in the Bible for Busy Moms

**Bible received for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

Hey you! Yes you- the mom who feels like she's juggling everything and is about to lose it all. I feel you. I am you.

From the moment we wake up our days our filled to the brink. Diaper changes, meal prep, cleaning messes, homework help, after school activities... it's enough to make your head spin. Sometimes you find yourself escaping for a potty break just for a moment of solitude to breathe!

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love motherhood, but there's no denying it's an exhausting season of life with little ones running around. And it can wear a person down. We need a moment to gather our thoughts, to relax, to pray. We need some time with God reading his word.

There's a great power in reading the Bible. It leaves us feeling at peace, joyful... refreshed! It's something that in these days of motherhood we truly need for the sake of our sanity! But, with out already packed days... where do we find the time? We know we need to and yes, we even want to... but HOW!?

Today I'm sharing a few tips:

  • Wake Up Early. If you can, wake up 15-20 minutes early to start your day off with some Bible reading. Grab some coffee and get started on the right foot.
  • Or Stay Up Late. If you're like me and more of a night owl, stay up a little later after the kids have gone to bed.
  • Listen to the Word. Neither of those options? Grab an audio Bible and listen to it instead. You can do this in the car, as you workout or even as you clean. 
  • Read While You Work. Grab a cookbook stand and read as you do the dishes or cook... just be careful not to burn the food! 
  • Memorize Some Scripture. If you cannot read the Bible at all times of need, memorize some particular verses that mean a lot to you. When things are getting overwhelming throughout the day recall those verses to get you through.
  • Read WITH Your Kids. What a great way to lead by example! Do a family Bible study every night before bed, or set time aside during the day to read with your kids. If they are old enough, they can read on their own or you can read to younger children too. 
Yes, as moms it can be hard to find that time to spend in God's word... but it's such an important part of our life that we truly need to make it more of a priority. I hope these easy ideas gave you some inspiration to get started!

Need the right Bible for your busy schedule? Enter the Busy Mom's Bible! The Busy Mom's Bible is designed with moms like us- those with only a minute! Inside we find: 

  • 52 One Minute Thought Starters. These are ideal for those moments when you can't really dive in but need that little extra bit of a breather!
  • Reflect & Pray. Have 5 minutes? These allow you to reflect a little bit more with those few extra minutes throughout the day.
  • Ten Minute Study. These studies dig even deeper but still keep that busy mom's schedule in mind. 
  • Topics That Matter. These devotionals feature topics that are relevant to moms like us--- raising kids, marriage, emotions and finding who you are in Christ. 
  • Carry Along Size. As moms, we know that we have to take the time wherever you find it. The size makes it ideal for tossing into the diaper bag or purse and keeping it with us wherever we go. Waiting in the pick up line? Grab that Bible and start reading! 

You can grab the Busy Mom's Bible at your favorite Bible retailers

Do you struggle to find time to read God's word? What tips and tricks have you found work for you? How could the Busy Mom's Bible help? 


  1. I'm more of a stay up late and read. I don't function well in the morning. Good tips.
    slehan at juno dot com

  2. Enjoyed your post and you had great advice. I like the Busy Mom's Bible and need a new Bible. Mine is starting to fall apart.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24