Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Pros and Cons of Grocery Delivery

Food image created by Mrsiraphol -

If you are a mom with little ones, you know that a simple trip to the grocery store can be anything but a simple trip. The kids start reaching for every bit of junk food they see. If you don't time it just right their sleepiness turns to crankiness. Have a special needs child? Add in the inevitable meltdown and dirty looks... and well, don't you just love grocery shopping?

Be honest, how many times have you wished you could just PAY someone else to do it for you?

These days, that dream of mothers everywhere has become a reality, and today I wanted to share my experiences using such a service.

Let's start at the beginning. Why grocery delivery? In my case, it just makes sense. First of all, the scenario above that so many of us moms face... shopping with kids. I have a toddler and an autistic child. Shopping is anything but relaxing. In addition, we had other obstacles. I have severe anxiety and panic disorder and let's just say I don't do so well when it comes to people. As if that wasn't enough, I also don't have a car! With my husband's insane work schedule, there were many times I was unable to get to the store for WEEKS! Like I said, for me it made sense.

But what are some things you should consider when making the decision to sign up for grocery delivery? Let's break it down.

The Pros.

The biggest pro to using online shopping is convenience. Whether it's lack of transportation, kids, or a busy schedule... sometimes getting to the store just doesn't work out. With grocery delivery, you pick out what you want online and someone else goes to the store, shops and brings it to you. Grocery shop in your PJs...and no one will be the wiser.

If you're a shopper who tends to toss things in your cart not on your list, it can keep you on track too. While you can browse all categories, it takes much longer (in my opinion) to do so than a walk through the store, so it's much easier to just stick to your list. You'll be thankful for no impulse buys at checkout!

It also allows you to see just how much you're spending as you go, which can be a little more difficult in the grocery store. Getting too close to your budget? It's easy to remove something from your cart without walking all the way back through the store.

The Cons.

As with anything, you PAY for convenience. I personally use Shipt, which costs $14 a month or $99 a year, but as long as you purchase a minimum of $35 there is no delivery fee. It's not just the subscription fees though, you'll be paying a small amount more on *most* groceries overall. The prices in store and the prices online will vary. In addition, you'll be unable to use coupons or any reward programs your store offers. To be honest, this made me hesitant to try grocery delivery initially. Being on an already super tight budget, that little difference makes a BIG difference. But think about this--- if you're unable to get to the store and there's nothing in the house to eat... what do you do? Order out! And that costs even MORE money. When I thought about it that way- and again given my personal circumstances- I decided the cost was worth it for us personally and we just had to cut elsewhere.

The other con for me is that I'm a comparison shopper. I like to check out all of the options available. Sometimes for price, sometimes just because I like some varieties better. That's a lot harder to do online. In fact, sometimes all of the available options aren't actually shown. You can put in special requests if you know there's something your store offers, but it's definitely not as easy! 

As with anything, there are definitely pros to it and cons to it. Ultimately it comes down to which makes the most sense for your family. Personally, I'm very happy with my decision, and love that even despite my husband's crazy schedule we don't have to worry about being forced to order in.

Thinking about getting started? Check your area to see what options are available.
Again, I use Shipt and would recommend them if available, but I would think all programs are fairly similar in how they work. If you'd like to check for Shipt in you area, you can use my referral link for a $10 credit and 2 weeks free to start out!

Do you use a grocery delivery service? What do you use? What do you like/dislike about it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. I had wondered about the pros & cons of online shopping, along with the cost of doing so. We rarely use coupons as they are not on a lot of the items we purchase. The only thing I would be concerned about was purchasing meat & fresh fruits/vegetables from an online site because I am picky about what I get.

  2. I love using Amazon Pantry! It simplifies a lot! :)


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