Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Expecting A Baby? Tips For Prepping Your House Before Your Little One Arrives

No matter how far you are into your pregnancy, you are likely buzzing with joyful anticipation. Your family is about to grow, bringing you into the whirlwind of parenthood. But while this is an exciting life step, it could also be bringing up some anxiety. Safety in particular may be of concern. As you go about your day, you might notice even the smallest household hazards around the house.

So, what can you do to prep your home for your baby's arrival?

Fortunately, there are specific steps you can take to make your home child-ready. Use this first-time parent's baby proofing guide to get started -- and remember to add your own safety touches as you go!

  1. Amp Up Your Cleaning Routine
While some exposure to germs and dirt may be important for your baby's immune system, they still don't have the immunity that you do. Get in the habit of sanitizing surfaces more often than you normally would. This is especially true for objects like doorknobs, coffee tables, TV remotes, as well as floors and carpets. If you have older kids, explain the importance of hand washing and keeping their spaces clean. But of course, go easy on yourself. You'll be busy once the baby arrives.
  1. Make Kitchen Adjustments
Even though a minor kitchen remodel has an average ROI of 82.7%, you don't need to tear out your countertops and appliances to prepare for you baby. Rather, make small adjustments. Place locks on the cabinets, clean out your fridge, and keep sharp objects out of reach. Make a space in the fridge for bottles and make sure you have all the gear necessary to feed your baby.
  1. Manage Electronics
While homes with small children may already have this prevention tip on lock, it's important to tuck away wires and cover your outlets. Once your baby starts to crawl, it's especially critical to keep electronics off the ground or low surfaces. Many parents have had to replace an expensive smartphone after a toddler started tugging on the charging cord. The same goes for any small objects and devices that have batteries. Parents has great advice on how to best safeguard your baby from these electronic hazards.
  1. Remove Mold Sources
Making your home a more sanitary environment is always a smart idea to keep your family healthy, but it's especially important to protect your little ones. By removing any sources of mold, you are keeping potentially hazardous substances out of the air. This includes cleaning your gutters, which should be done twice per year, cleaning your windows, inspecting your closets, and having your home vents cleaned.
  1. Furnish Ahead Of Time
Once the baby arrives, you aren't going to want to think about buying essential items. You probably have already furnished the baby's room, but you should also place additional carriers around the house, have your breast pump ready, set up your changing tables, and have the baby bath ready. This will give you all the tools you'll need to welcome your little one into your home.
  1. Prepare Your Pet
Many new parents get worried that their pets will not adapt to having a baby around the house. But you need not worry. If you are one of the 46.3 million U.S. households that have a dog or the 38.9 million households that have a cat, there are steps you can take to get your animal ready for a new friend. WebMD suggests letting your dog or cat wander around the baby's room, placing baby lotion around the house, and playing audio tracks of baby sounds.

Of course, in addition to the above items, take the time to take care of yourself, too. Your body is working hard to nurture your unborn baby, so it's important for you to nurture yourself.

"It’s a good thing pregnancy takes a full nine months, because expectant parents need that much time to prepare for the big event," Sharon Johnson writes in Babble. "But in the rush to paint the nursery, buy baby furniture, and attend to the myriad details of bringing baby home, a mother’s needs can often get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. This needn’t be the case."

By taking time to prepare yourself, your partner, your other children, your pet, and your home for a new baby, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. While it may seem overwhelming, remember to take it one step at a time and remember that it will all be worth it once your new child is home safely.


  1. Very nice and informative post.

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