Friday, April 21, 2017

Stay Positive Among The Negatives {Unsinkable Faith Book Review}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Take a look around you. Do you ever feel like there is nothing but negativity everywhere?

Turn on the TV, its bad news. Scroll through your newsfeed- it's complaining and fighting. Politics, motherhood, what's to watch on TV or what's in a drink at Starbucks... everywhere we look people are complaining about something. Seeing it all can really weigh us down... add in real life issues that actually aren't going well... well, it really is truly very hard to stay positive! 

Today, I'm sharing a book that may just help, Unsinking Faith: 

For many people, remaining optimistic and feeling positive about themselves and their lives is a constant battle - especially when circumstances are difficult and life is hard.
For others, negativity is something that only sneaks up from time to time, yet still wreaks havoc in their hearts. Regardless of the root causes, once pessimistic thoughts permeate our minds, our feelings and emotions begin to control us instead of us controlling them. Eventually it doesn't seem possible to stay positive, happy, and full of joy, and negative thought patterns shake our faith, causing us to sink emotionally, mentally, and spiritually over time. But it doesn't have to be that way. Despite what storms roll in, hearts anchored in God don't sink. When we change the way we think, we can change the way we feel and live, even if our circumstances remain the same. Intentionally embracing the opportunity to experience a transformed heart and a renewed mind opens the door for a changed life, because a positive mind will always lead to a more positive life.
Unsinkable Faith, author and Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker Tracie Miles offers hope for women who struggle with negativity. Each chapter explores Tracie's and other women's personal stories, showing how they rose above their circumstances by transforming and renewing their minds. 
Unsinkable Faith is a breath of fresh air for anyone longing for a heart full of joy, an unbreakable smile, and a new, more optimistic perspective on life. This book will equip you to:
-Replace pessimism with positive thinking by becoming the captain of your thoughts;
-Learn how true joy and happiness are based on choice, not circumstances;
-Overcome unhealthy habits of negative thinking by intentionally implementing three easy mind-renewing steps;
-Stop feeling hopeless and pitiful, and start feeling hope-filled and powerful instead; and
-Discover that when you change the way you think, you change the way feel, and in turn you can change your life completely.

If you look around my blog and even my personal Facebook page you'll find that I really do try to keep things positive. I try not to complain- though I'd have plenty to complain about if I chose to. I try to be uplifting. I try to keep my eyes on God through everything and trust in him to bring me through. I feel like negativity is contagious, as is optimism, so I try to spread that optimism and focus on the good.

But in my real life, offline--- sometimes it's a little harder to keep that positive attitude going. Don't get me wrong, I try...I'm not being fake online, I'm just choosing where to put my focus and ignoring the rest. In real life, it's a little harder to ignore health issues- physical and mental and all of the bad things that life throws our way. As much as I aim to stay positive, sometimes I fail.

This is a book that we all need in our lives... it's not a book that teaches us how to have the perfect life, but a book that helps us to look on the bright side even when things are falling apart around us. 
Unsinkable Faith is available now. Learn more and purchase a copy.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24