Friday, February 3, 2017

Journaling Through Genesis: Part Two

Last month, I shared that in an effort to do some more reading and journaling in the Old Testament, I had decided to start at the beginning and read and journal my way through Genesis. (You can see the first part here.)

Last night, I finished my final page in Genesis! I must admit, I really enjoyed journaling as I read, but it was TOUGH. As I read through the New Testament, there are many verses that stick out to me. But the Old Testament? It really is just so much history, and I really had to think on how I wanted to journal these pages.

I also took this opportunity to work on another Bible journaling goal I'd had--- experimenting with more techniques. I played with gelatos, used different watercolor techniques and more. I'm not a natural artist, so I loved taking this time to learn new ways to journal!

Throughout this process I both learned more about this fascinating book in the Bible (I'd read it through before, but it'd been awhile, so a refresher was necessary) and created some pages that I am really proud of. Not all of them are perfect but that's not really the point. I also did not journal every single page. Though I cannot speak for everyone, I imagine journaling every single page in your Bible is quite rare, and that's okay. Journaling every page is also not the point, but instead journaling the messages, the lessons and the images that speak to you personally.

Here is a look at some of the remainder of my journaling through Genesis:


  1. I love the multicolored pages!! How did you do that?!?!

  2. Glad to read this article, love your blog so much!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24