Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dark Before Dawn {A Book Review and Giveaway} #HolidayGiftGuide

**Book received for consideration, all thoughts are my own.

A few years ago, I introduced you all to the first book in the Archangel Prophecies by Monica McGurk, Dark Hope. (Review here.) I was immediately drawn into this supernatural world she had created and could not wait to read more. I was not let down when the second book Dark Rising made its debut (Review here), but still I found myself waiting and wondering... how was it going to end?

Finally I am happy to say, the answers are here! The third book in this fantastic series has finally arrived:

It’s darkest before the dawn . . . and that can be very dark indeed.
Twelve years have passed since Hope Carmichael helped fulfill the ancient prophecy that permitted the Fallen Angels to return, forgiven, to Heaven. Now a lawyer at twenty-eight, Hope—along with a resurrected Michael, the archangel who loves her—has been presented by Heaven with a choice: one that could either result in Hope never seeing her family again, or the world losing its greatest angelic protector. At the same time, Hope’s young sister Aurora struggles to help a school friend resolve her dark personal issues, all while being observed by a sinister adversary from Hope’s past, working on a plan for revenge that may soon plunge the entire extended Carmichael family into tragedy.

The culmination of the saga begun in Dark Hope and continued in Dark Rising, Dark Before Dawn returns to the world of the Archangel Prophecies, telling one final story of adventure, moral urgency, and the ultimate choice Hope and Michael make between the human and the divine.

Now, I must admit with the busy-ness that this time of year brings, I haven't yet had the time to finish and find out exactly how it ends. But what I am reading so far? It's definitely every bit as intriguing  as the first two, perhaps even more so! I am loving it! With each turn of the page I once again find myself being drawn into this world and wondering and waiting to see the final conclusion. With the passing of 12 years in the characters' lives, there certainly is a more mature feel to them, which I think works really well for this story.

I have always been a fan of supernatural fiction, but perhaps what drew me in to this particular story was that in the midst of these fictional tale, arose and brought awareness to the issue of sex trafficking. With that, I cannot say that these books have always been the easiest to read with this dark subject matter, but it truly is a wonderful story that I believe will truly open the eyes of so many to the horrors going on in our own country. I know it certainly did for me.

If you have read the first two books, you definitely will not want to miss this conclusion. Haven't read the first two? Now is a great time to pick up the entire series and start reading. You will not regret it.

Ready to learn more? You can connect at the links below:

And one very lucky reader is going to have the chance to win a copy of Dark Before Dawn for themselves. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. Oooh this sounds excellent!! I would of course have to read the first two but they all sound amazing so no problem there ;)

  2. This book sounds awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.


  3. This article is clear and easy to understand. I'm learning more about this. Hope you bring more things related to it. Thanks a lot!

  4. Oooh this sounds excellent!! I would of course have to read the first two but they all sound amazing so no problem there


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