Thursday, September 15, 2016

Raising A Young Modern Day Princess {A Book Review}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

When I first found out that I was expecting a little girl, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to raise my daughter as a princess. No, I don't mean that I wanted to raise her to think that she was better than anyone else, or to be spoiled and always get her way. Not that kind of princess. I wanted to raise her as the princess that she truly is--- the daughter of a King.

But, how on earth was I supposed to do that? I knew the traits that I wanted to encourage in her, but how did I actually go about doing so?

If this sounds like you too, then I have the perfect book for you today- Raising a Young Modern Day Princess:

Emulating the format of Raising a Modern-Day Princess, authors Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting seek to help parents and grandparents cultivate strong relationships and encourage the spiritual formation in their daughters using examples, Bible teaching on the fruit of the Spirit, and a variety of creative activities that are based on Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).

By implementing the ideas in this book, mothers (as well as fathers) will be equipped to understand and guide their daughters through each step of becoming His “princess.” This will include perceiving a daughter’s unique personality and gifts, refining her character through training and discipline, and modeling the attributes of a daughter of the King.

This book is a follow-up to both Raising a Modern-Day Knight (by Robert Lewis) and Raising a Modern-Day Princess by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna. While the latter book is aimed at parents of girls ages 12 and up, this book focuses on building the Christian character of younger girls.

For me, this book truly was everything I was looking for! There is so much great information packed in, I don't even know where to begin sharing it all. We start out by determining what type of personality our little girl has with an in depth quiz. Not every princess is created equally so I love that they take a look at these various personality types so that we know how to better relate to and reach our girls! There is also a quiz for moms which allows us to see how we differ from our daughter's again giving us perspective on how to relate to one another. Once you've determined personality types, each chapter is broken down into an individual fruit of the spirit. A personal narrative is offered for each chapter, but is followed by tons of ideas for activities and tools to try with our daughters. There are many, so you may not choose to do them all at once, but it truly does give a lot of options to work on. And again because every little girl is different, there are suggestions for each fruit based upon their personality type. This isn't just a book for moms and daughters, there are also ideas and told for dads and daughters, so that the whole family can be on board in teaching these valuable traits.

Now, with my daughter just having turned 3 years old, many of these tools and activities are not quite to her level just yet. Still, I know that this is a great starting point for me as her mom, and I look forward to using it more in depth with her as she gets older.

If you are a mom to a little girl, this is one book you must read. It is available to purchase now.


  1. Omgosh I just love this!! We should be looking into our children becoming princesses like this instead of the spoiled bratty princesses so many become!

  2. Can she still wear princess dresses?

    slehan at juno dot com


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24