Friday, September 30, 2016

Melissa Spoelstra’s ‘Total Family Makeover’ Family Fun Night Giveaway

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

As moms in this day and age, we have quite the to do list, don't we?

Our days are filled wit taking care of all of our children's basic needs- feeding them, bathing them, dressing them. Our days are filled with household chores. Our days are filled with meal planning and grocery shopping. On top of these every day tasks, we are also expected to be chauffeurs taking our children to all of the activities that society tells us they need to partake in. We are expected to plan Pinterest worthy birthday parties and holiday celebrations.

Yes, there are a lot of expectations and goals that we set for ourselves as mothers. As a Christian mother, none of these things hold as much importance as raising my children in a Christian home. But how do I actually go about doing that? How can I raise my children in a way that leads them to Christ?

The new book by Melissa Spoelstra, 'Total Family Makeover' helps to show us just that. Take a look:

God calls us as parents to be key disciple-makers in our children’s lives, but if we’re honest, some days it’s a battle just to get them dressed and ready for school on time. How can you mold their hearts when sometimes you can’t even find their shoes?
In Total Family Makeover, author Melissa Spoelstra gives parents a way—a sort of spiritual track to run on—when it comes to building family discipleship. She focuses on eight key habits of growth:
•         Spending Time in Prayer
•         Reading God's Word
•         Growing Through a Mentoring Relationship
•         Finding Community in the Church
•         Serving Others
•         Taking Time to Rest
•         Giving Back to God
•         Sharing Your Faith
Disciples are made, not born. Whether your children are babes in arms or teenagers getting ready to leave the nest, making disciples at home starts with you! Give your family a makeover with this practical approach to helping your children learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Now, I've read many parenting books throughout the years...some of them even on the topic of raising Christian children, but this one might be a new favorite. These tips given aren't crazy out of the box ideas. On some level, we all probably know that these are the ways to keep Christ at the center of our families. We know that it's important to spend time in prayer and read the Bible with our children. We know that serving others and sharing our faith are great examples to set for our children. We even know that finding a great church can make a great impact on our children and our family. Still, sometimes in the midst of all the chaos that motherhood can bring, we need that reminder. We need practical ways to live out those ideas in a way that will motivate our children. This book truly provides just that, mixing real life modern stories we can relate to with Biblical truths.

Looking for a great book to read with your small mom's group? Each chapter offers a series of group discussion topics that make this an ideal choice. There are also more questions and scripture references given so that you can dig even deeper into God's word and how it applies to parenting for the Christian mom.

This is truly a great read that I feel all moms can benefit from. You can see what other bloggers had today here.

Total Family Makeover Melissa Spoelstra
Begin to build your family discipleship and become the key disciple-makers in your children's lives with Melissa Spoelstra's new book, Total Family Makeover. Disciples are made, not born. Whether your children are babes in arms or teenagers getting ready to leave the nest, making disciples at home starts with you! Give your family a makeover with this practical approach to helping your children learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Plan an evening of fun, pizza, devotionals, and games with your family! Melissa is giving away a Family Fun Night Prize Pack.


One grand prize winner will receive:

Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on October 7. The winner will be announced October 10 on Melissa's blog.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24