Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Everything Is Possible {A Book Review}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

In life, I believe that God sends people into our lives for a reason- to teach us a lesson or to be there when we need them. Some of these people are our best friends, and others we just meet in passing. Still, they impact our lives- sometimes for good, sometimes not, but always for a reason. Today, I want to share a story about how I met one such person in my own life.

I talk often about my time at church camp and often can be heard saying it was one of my absolute favorite places on earth. But it wasn't always that way. My first year, I was a nervous wreck, with no idea what to expect. Thankfully, I had one of my childhood best friends Tiffany with me, who was much more sociable than myself. When we arrived, we were one of the first vehicles in the line and check in had not yet started. So, Tiffany suggested we go ahead and start meeting some new people then and there. I followed her lead, as we walked to the car directly in front of us and made introductions. We instantly clicked with the girl in that car. She had been to camp before and welcomed us warmly, offering to room with her and meet some of her friends. She was genuine and fun, and we couldn't wait to get to know her better. We enjoyed our conversation as she sat in the car with her mom, that we missed one little detail about this new friend. She had no legs.

That girl was Jen Bricker.

Now, I know that seems like a pretty big thing to miss, but truly if you met her you'd understand. She did not have an attitude like she was missing anything or that anyone should feel sorry for her. She was confident, she was happy, she was genuine. One of the first things she said when we found a room was, "I've got top bunk!" And I must admit, those words were a little shocking to me. How would that work? But I soon learned that despite her outward appearance and what some would see as disability, she had no limitations. She DID climb onto that top bunk on her own. And she played volleyball and basketball. She may have come with a wheelchair, but she was out of it more than she was in. She truly taught me that there truly are no disabilities, only different abilities.

When my son was diagnosed with autism several years later, I thought back to my sweet friend and her no limits attitude. Yes, her limitations may have been different than my son's, but it reminded me that the only truly limits were the ones that we set. I truly believe that God put Jen into my life for just that reason, knowing that one day I would need that positive outlook and encouragement to get through the rough moments. I have been truly blessed to know her. Most of you probably won't get that chance to know her personally and call her a friend, but now with her new book, you can get to know her story...and what an incredible story it is! From her amazing accomplishments to finding her biological sister was none other than her childhood hero Olympic gymnast- Dominique Moceanu. This is one book that you absolutely MUST read!

Born without Legs, She Inspires Others to Overcome

Jen Bricker was born without legs. Shocked and uncertain they could care for her, her biological parents gave her up for adoption. In her loving adoptive home, there was just one simple rule: "Never say 'can't.'" And pretty soon, there was nothing this small but mighty powerhouse set her sights on that she couldn't conquer: roller-skating, volleyball, power tumbling, and spinning from silk ribbons thirty feet in the air.

Everything Is Possible is her incredible story--a story of God working out his plan for her life from before day one. Readers follow Jen from the challenges of growing up different to holding captive audiences numbering in the tens of thousands. Everything Is Possible shows readers what they can accomplish when they remove the words coincidence and limitation from their vocabulary. Filled with heart and spirit, as well as Jen's wit, wisdom, and no-holds-barred honesty, this inspiring true story points the way to purpose and joy. Foreword by Nick Vujicic.

And I am beyond excited to give one very lucky reader the chance to win a copy for themselves. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. This is amazing!! Really puts everything into perspective doesn't it?!?!

  2. Ashley Chassereau ParksSeptember 29, 2016 at 11:08 PM

    Wow!! Just reading what you have written about her really makes Jen seem like a great person to know and be around. She sounds like she has such an amazing outlook on life! I would love to read this book!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24