Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Inspire Bible Large Print NLT: A Review

**Bible received for review. All thoughts are my own.

Earlier this year, I had the chance to share with you a fantastic Bible that combined two of my very favorite things- adult coloring books and Bible journaling. That Bible was the Inspire Bible.

Unlike the typical journaling Bibles which feature blank space in the margins, this one also featured predrawn illustrations that you could color in. You could add your own touches like washi or die cut to these pages and journal on those pages with blank margins as well... or you could keep it simple and just color them in. The possibilities for this Bible were endless. When people came to me asking for a great Bible for beginners, The Inspire Bible was high on my list for this reason.

But when I've been asked about Inspire and other bibles, another question actually comes up fairly often--- how big is the font?

It's a good question, right? After all, what is the point of even the most beautiful Bible if you cannot see to read it. Inspire actually seemed to have larger font than most, but for those that need those larger print Bibles, not quite enough! In fact, as far as I knew, there weren't a ton of large print journaling Bibles on the market at all.

But now that is changing! On September 1, Inspire Bible: Large Print Edition is making its arrival. Check it out:

The Inspire Bible is now available in large print! Enjoy all of the cherished features from the Inspire Bible plus enlarged text for a comfortable reading experience and larger illustrations for coloring! A much-anticipated extension to the Inspire Bible line, this beautiful resource is for people wanting to connect to Scripture through art but who have a hard time reading the smaller text in other wide-margin Bibles, or who prefer a larger canvas for coloring and adding original art. The large-print Inspire Bible offers even more space for notes and illustrations in the extra-wide margins, along with a large, readable 10.8-point text font. The large-print version is the same as the original Inspire Bible, but it augments the beauty of the features with even bigger line-art illustrations to color and ample blank space for creating. Now available in a beautiful, tranquil blue Hardcover LeatherLike edition featuring the much-loved full-color vintage floral page edge printing, a matching ribbon marker, and an elastic band closure.

This new edition offers all of the beautiful artwork I fell in love with from the original, but in a larger print, easy to read version. I've seen some large print books in which the print was so large that it was almost annoying...this certainly wasn't the case here! It was large enough to read more easily, but not obnoxiously so. In addition to the font being larger, this also meant that the margins and the artwork to color were slightly larger too. Now, I really don't have any issues with smaller prints when it comes to reading, but as much as I love coloring, I don't get to do it nearly as often as I would like. I have issues with my hands that can make it really difficult to color in those finer details that adult coloring books are so known for. This makes it just a little bit easier...and I'm certain I'm not alone in that!

Whether you need it for easier reading or just want a little extra room to work, Inspire Bible Large Print is worth checking out. It will be available to purchase on September 1.

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  1. So awesome!! I mean honestly my eyes are fantastic but reading small tiny print for too long could give anyone a headache!! Larger print is just so much easier for everyone!! And still just as fabulous!! Love it!!

  2. This is so nice! I have a regular size bible I don't use much and a family bible with large print I use every day! This could make using the bible more fun, too!

  3. I love that this is large print as I have a hard time reading the small print. Thank you for sharing this.

  4. Thank you. I wanted to let everyone know that I purchased one from Barnes and Noble.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24