Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Refresh Your Summer Pantry & Stay Hydrated with BODYARMOR {+ Coupon} #ad

**A huge thank you to BODYARMOR for sponsoring today's post. All thoughts are my own.

Hello, Summer!

Summer is here and the kids are out of school, which as a mom means we have to be prepared for anything summer throws at us! When you have a growing boy in your home, that means you need a fully stocked pantry! Stocking a pantry fit for a child should be pretty easy! I mean, kids are pretty opinionated about all the treats they want and love at the grocery store, right? But we want our kids to be strong and there truly is no better time than summertime to make over the pantry to give kids those nutritious (but still delicious) options to keep them energized and healthy throughout the summer heat.

Instead of potato chips, we can stock up on nuts, veggie chips...or even a healthier baked chip if still desired. Rather than candy and sugary treats, we can stock up on fresh fruits like grapes, apples, watermelon. Even dried fruit can make an excellent alternative. Raisins, yogurts, fresh veggies...the healthy snack options are endless...and with a little imagination can be just as fun as those not-so-good for them treats too.

But perhaps the most important part of keeping kids healthy during the summer is keeping them well hydrated! Now, while my kids actually do enjoy and drink water with no problems, there are times when they just want something with a little more flavor. So, how can we give kids the flavor they crave while still making sure to avoid sugary drinks and helping in hydration?

BODYARMOR to the rescue!

So, what is BODYARMOR?

·       BODYARMOR is a premium sports drink with more potassium packed electrolytes, coconut water and vitamins. BODYARMOR has natural flavors, natural sweeteners and no artificial colors, unlike traditional sports drinks. It’s a GREAT choice for young athletes especially, who don’t need all the extra sodium in their diets or the artificial ingredients that come from drinking other sports drinks on the market.

·       BODYARMOR comes in 8-great tasting flavors: fruit punch, orange mango, strawberry banana, tropical punch, lemon lime, mixed berry, grape and blackout berry.

·       Many of today’s top athletes choose BODYARMOR as their sports drink of choice, including: Mike Trout, Andrew Luck, James Harden, Buster Posey, Richard Sherman, Dez Bryant, Skylar Diggins and Sydney LeRoux

A sports drink that helps kids stay hydrated but is more natural and better for them? Sounds pretty amazing, right? But I know you're probably all does it taste?

The answer is simply-delicious! I'll be honest, typically speaking, I don't drink sports drinks. I've just never been a huge fan of the flavor. But I decided to try a little sip of my son's BODYARMOR and I was pleasantly surprised. I tried the Orange Mango. It didn't taste like a flavored drinks as other sports drinks I'd tried in the past...I could instead tell that the flavors were the real deal! Delicious!

But more importantly, the kids love them too. We have spent the last few days a camp, and let me tell you it is HOT. 90 plus degrees and we are outside from 8 am to 4 pm. In this extreme heat, staying hydrated could not be more important. BODYARMOR has been a lifesaver! Both of my kids have been enjoying the great flavors! They've not yet tried one they didn't love. But for me, I'm loving that I know they are staying hydrated well without the added sugar, dyes and artificial flavors of other sports drinks!

From summer to camp to sports to zoo trips...even playing in our own backyard, BODYARMOR is the perfect addition to our pantry for keeping my kids healthy and hydrated all summer long.

Ready to makeover your pantry? Find BODYARMOR at your local Marsh, Meijer or Target, and be sure to download this coupon to help you save! You can learn more and connect at the links below:

Twitter: @drinkbodyarmor

Instagram: @drinkbodyarmor


  1. I love that this has coconut water in it!! Such a great natural rehydrator all on its own!! Love that the flavors are more natural!!

  2. Ashley Chassereau ParksJune 27, 2016 at 11:22 PM

    Yay for a coupon! I looked at Target a few days ago, but didn't see it. I am going to look again! This would be awesome for beach days to keep my littles hydrated!

  3. I've tried BODYARMOR before and really like it. I purchase it for my teen kids. My fave flavor is Tropical Punch.

  4. I like how they have so many flavors. I would like to try the strawberry banana!

  5. I've had these before! They're pretty tasty actually! My lo isn't old enough for that yet though I don't think


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24