Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Survive Allergy Season with NeilMed Naspira Nasal-Oral Aspirarator {A #MomsMeet Review + Coupon Code}

I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of this product.  

Hello, Allergy Season!!

Ah, yes...warm weather has finally arrived... and with it, allergies! My daughter is the biggest sufferer in my family. Summer is only just beginning and already she is an itchy, snotty mess. A lot of you can probably relate, right?

If so, then you probably can also relate to the struggle to clear those snotty noses. At two years old, my daughter just isn't a big fan of blowing her nose... but that's what nose aspirators were made for, right? To clear out noses when your little one is unable to blow... except, when they see that bulb headed towards them, in my experience, the instinct is to fight. So, now we're struggling to keep this bulb squeezed and ready, position it in their noses, keep them from squirming...well, it's just not an easy task, is it? There HAD to be a better solution!

With the NeilMed® Naspira® Nasal-Oral Aspirator, there is!! What sets the NeilMed® Naspira® Nasal-Oral Aspirator apart from the rest? Take a look at these few quick facts-

  • It's unique design. It is the world's most uniquely designed nasal aspirator. It allows parents to use a suction force created by their mouth (like using a straw) to clear out the nasal congestion in babies and little ones, safely and effectively.
  • It's versatile. While of course the key feature is the ability to use your mouth to create the correct suction...maybe that's not always an option. Perhaps there are multiple caregivers and you haven't had a chance to sterilize... or somewhere in the sterilization process a piece has gone missing... whatever the case, it can also be used simply as a NeilMed® NasaBulb aspirator. 
  • It's easy to clean. So, we've all seen those pictures of what it looks like when you cut open a typical nasal aspirator, right? Yuck!!! Those hard to clean bulbs are just better off tossed out! But this aspirator features a high-grade, all-silicone design that pulls apart easily for cleaning of all components and allows you to sterilize through boiling water or microwave disinfection protocol! The transparent design also lets you know when it needs cleaning too!
  • It features disposable filters. So, perhaps you're wondering, isn't that gross? Will you end up with snot in your mouth? A valid concern for sure, but they thought of that too! It features a disposable in-line filter that prevents mucus from inadvertently entering the tubing and reaching parent's mouth. There are 7 of the filters included.
  • It won't break the bank. With a retail price of just $9.99 to $14.99, it is of course higher in cost than your typical nasal aspirator... but for the benefits it provides and the fact that you are able to sterilize and use again and again, it truly is a great price. NeilMed products can be found at Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Harmon, Kinney Drugs, Shop Rite, Brookshire’s,,,, and

Sounds great on paper, but what about in practice? Does it really work?

Well, with warm weather arriving, allergies showed up in full force this week for my 2-year-old, so we had the chance to put it to the test ourselves!

As I said earlier, typically when my daughter sees a nasal aspirator, she runs! But something about this one intrigued her! She held the bulb in place herself and thought it was the coolest thing when mommy used the 'straw'. Rather than running, she kept begging to do it again and again, long after the mucus was actually cleared from her nose. My son- lover of gross things- also thought it was pretty cool that you could see clearly everything that was suctioned out. Gross, I know, but boys will be boys... and truthfully as a parent, it is helpful to see that you are having some type of impact. It was easy to use and much gentler than what a typical nasal aspirator would be. This has already been a very welcome addition to our medicine cabinet- clearing out noses gently and naturally.

You can check out more great products available and connect with NeilMed at the links below:

Ready to buy your own? Visit and use code “MOMSBLOG” for $3 off
the purchase of NeilMed® Naspira® Nasal-Oral Aspirator. Awesome, right?

Does your little one struggle with summer allergies? What other tips and tricks have helped you get through? How can the NeilMed® Naspira® Nasal-Oral Aspirator help?


  1. Totally wish I would've had one with my son!! He had such crazy thick sticky boogers!! Those bulbs did nothing!!

  2. Ashley Chassereau ParksJuly 9, 2016 at 10:56 PM

    We bought something like this with our second little one and it was a life saver!! It worked way better than the little suction bulb we got at first.


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