With military life, life can be pretty hard to predict. In fact, the only thing you truly can predict is the unpredictable. You never know when your spouse will be training, deployed or when those orders would come to move.
I will admit that for this girl who had lived in the same place her whole life, that initial move was rough. Still, while I cannot say that I ENJOY moving, I have picked up several tips and tricks along the way that have made these inevitable a little easier to deal with! Today, I wanted to share a few of these with you.

Some of these tips may be better suited for military families, but others are great for anyone!
Love It or Leave It
I must admit, I'm a natural pack rat. It's in my blood. I can attach a sentimental value to just about everything... but frequent military movies have forced me to really think long and hard about which things I keep. Packing stinks, so do you really want to be packing and moving things you know you won't be using over and over again? I find it helpful to sort through things periodically and clear out what you're not using. This will help to lighten the load- in more ways than one- if and when a move does pop up.
Be Organized
Again, another confession- I'm not organized in the slightest! But with moving, you have to be! Pack things by the room, and label them well so that when you get to your new location you know JUST where they go. If it's something you will need right away, be certain that it is clearly marked so that you won't be in such a rush to unpack everything right away. Make lists if it helps!
Again, another confession- I'm not organized in the slightest! But with moving, you have to be! Pack things by the room, and label them well so that when you get to your new location you know JUST where they go. If it's something you will need right away, be certain that it is clearly marked so that you won't be in such a rush to unpack everything right away. Make lists if it helps!
Know Your Packing Order
When I get the first indication that we're going to be moving, I immediately start gathering boxes and packing up what I can. I start with things I know we don't need in the meantime- like books for example. I'll start taking down knick knacks or wall decor... things that aren't actively being used. By packing up these unused items, it makes packing the more important items go more quickly on moving day...and also gives you time to sort and part with anything too.
When I get the first indication that we're going to be moving, I immediately start gathering boxes and packing up what I can. I start with things I know we don't need in the meantime- like books for example. I'll start taking down knick knacks or wall decor... things that aren't actively being used. By packing up these unused items, it makes packing the more important items go more quickly on moving day...and also gives you time to sort and part with anything too.

Pack the Kids' Stuff Last
This may go in part with the previous tip, but it warrants a mention all on its own. Moves can be really rough on kids, so anything you can do to help make the transition easier is definitely a plus! If kids see their toys, etc disappearing for weeks before the move, they may begin to worry... so in our family, the kids' rooms really don't get touched until moving day. Yes, I might go in and clear some unused things out before then, but as far as actually packing, we wait. These are also among the first rooms we unpack once we are settled. Favorite toys that your little ones love? Consider keeping them with you rather than on the moving truck!
This may go in part with the previous tip, but it warrants a mention all on its own. Moves can be really rough on kids, so anything you can do to help make the transition easier is definitely a plus! If kids see their toys, etc disappearing for weeks before the move, they may begin to worry... so in our family, the kids' rooms really don't get touched until moving day. Yes, I might go in and clear some unused things out before then, but as far as actually packing, we wait. These are also among the first rooms we unpack once we are settled. Favorite toys that your little ones love? Consider keeping them with you rather than on the moving truck!
Consider Furniture Rental
I don't know about you, but one of my least favorite parts about moving is moving the furniture. Seriously. Not only is it going to weigh the most and be the most costly to move, but there is always that chance that it could be damaged in the move. We've seen this personally many a time- a piece of furniture you love getting scuffed and scratch...no good! Aside from that, some moves- military or otherwise- we know will be short term. Take recruiting duty- you know that in just 3 years you'll be packing up and moving yet again. Or even less time...maybe you're a wife who has decided to move closer to home while your spouse is deployed... do you REALLY want to move all that furniture again in such a short time span? It is for these situations and many more that furniture rental can be an ideal option. It's such a convenient option...there when you need it and gone when you don't!
When you need that flexibility of furniture rental, CORT Furniture Rental can help. They are the nation's trusted solution to rent furniture. But don't just take it from me, take a look at this video:
I don't know about you, but one of my least favorite parts about moving is moving the furniture. Seriously. Not only is it going to weigh the most and be the most costly to move, but there is always that chance that it could be damaged in the move. We've seen this personally many a time- a piece of furniture you love getting scuffed and scratch...no good! Aside from that, some moves- military or otherwise- we know will be short term. Take recruiting duty- you know that in just 3 years you'll be packing up and moving yet again. Or even less time...maybe you're a wife who has decided to move closer to home while your spouse is deployed... do you REALLY want to move all that furniture again in such a short time span? It is for these situations and many more that furniture rental can be an ideal option. It's such a convenient option...there when you need it and gone when you don't!
When you need that flexibility of furniture rental, CORT Furniture Rental can help. They are the nation's trusted solution to rent furniture. But don't just take it from me, take a look at this video:
Sounds great, right? And they even offer special military pricing too, with military packages starting at $119 a month. (*Military pricing is only available on military packages. Customer must present valid Military I.D. before delivery.)
Ready to start renting your furniture? You can see everything that CORT has to offer, learn more and connect at the links below:
Visit CORT Furniture Rental
Are you a frequent mover? What other moving tips and tricks do you have? How can CORT Furniture Rental help make the transitions easier?

Omgosh Im a pack rat too!! Its awful lol!! I have such a hard time getting rid of things and I totally have after toss regret lol!! Thankfully we don't move often but we aren't in our forever home right now. So I do see a move in our future!