Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Life Verse Creative Journal: A Book Review

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

Often when I talk about Bible journaling, I hear the same ol' comment.

"It sounds great, but why does it have to be IN the Bible? Why can't you just use a regular journal?'

For me personally, I never had any issues with the idea of marking in my Bible so Bible journaling didn't bother me at all... but I realize that for some it does.They want the experience of journaling as a form of worship, but in a seperate journal. And that's perfectly okay!

If this sounds like you, I have a book set that might be a perfect for you: The Life Verse Creative Journal.

Are you ready to discover your life verse? Choosing a life verse from Scripture is a powerful way to aim your steps toward God. This two-pack of beautiful journals (64 pages each) will guide you to choose a life verse and to make it your own! In journal 1, fifteen verses are explored through text and journaling prompts and combined with beautiful line-art illustrations for you to color and make your own. Journal 2 is blank and ready for your imagination, your art, and your story!

This journal set is absolutely fabulous.

First up, the first journal. This one features predrawn artwork that is ready for you to color and make your own. If you are a fan of adult coloring books already, this will be a welcome addition. The artwork features verses that are perfect for reflecting upon and applying to your life. But what really sets this apart from a typical coloring book are the journaling prompts. Some pages have plenty of room to write down thoughts based on the given prompts, or to doodle your own doodles. It truly is as much a journal as it is a coloring book, and will really inspire you to get creative and grow closer to God.

The next journal can be used however you please. It's completely blank. You can do typical journaling and write your thoughts (though it is unlined), or you can get creative and create your own artwork. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination!! Truly a perfect gift for anyone who is interested in coloring and Bible journaling!

Life Verse Creative Journal is available to purchase now.


  1. Love this!! I love the artwork and the questions!! I also love that its a set and you have one all to yourself too!!

  2. very nice artwork, I am into the adult coloring books and this is actually very nice to use for that and inspiration as well.

  3. Ashley Chassereau ParksJuly 16, 2016 at 11:12 PM

    I love the adult coloring books, but this one seems extra fun with the journaling prompts. I love the Bible verses too. I think my oldest would enjoy coloring the pages with Bible verses... I think they would be helpful in helping her memorize verses.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24