Saturday, December 5, 2015

Give Back to the Troops This Christmas with Walmart's #Sing2Salute {+Twitter Party} #sp

**This is a sponsored post. All thoughts are my own.

With all of the business of the holidays- the search for the best deals and the perfect sales, it can be easy to forget that Christmas is truly the season of GIVING! Yes, the deals are great, the gifts are wonderful... but the feeling of giving back to others? Absolutely AMAZING!

But when our holiday budgets are already tight, giving back to others can seem out of reach. Fortunately there are many ways that we can give back without spending much or any money at all. We can instead volunteer our time or our talents. Today, I'm sharing how giving back can be as simple as creating a short video with Walmart's Holiday Sing to Salute Military Families Campaign!

What is Sing to Salute? This is a fun, interactive campaign that encourages us all to show support to military families through their very own voice:

On Giving Tuesday, Dec. 1, Walmart kicked off the campaign with a $500,000 donation to Fisher House Foundation. For the past 25 years, Fisher Houses have provided a home-away-from-home for military and veterans’ families whose loved ones are in a nearby military or veterans hospital. The donation will be distributed among more than 60 U.S.-based Fisher Houses for home improvements and holiday festivities, including gifts for families and visits from Santa.

Pretty great, right? But how can YOU get involved? It's easy!From Dec. 1 to Dec. 22, Walmart is asking us all to help share holiday songs with military families through the following steps:

1. Create a holiday greeting or video of one or more individuals singing a portion of a classic holiday song.

2. Post the greeting or video on a public Instagram, Twitter or YouTube account with the hashtag #Sing2Salute. If you’re posting on YouTube, make sure the hashtag is in your video’s title and post description.

3. In the post, tag a friend and call on them to participate.

For each post published on a public Instagram, Twitter or YouTube account with the hashtag #Sing2Salute during the campaign, Walmart will donate $100, up to $1 million, to Fisher House Foundation. The goal is to help Fisher House Foundation fund a full year of lodging for military families staying at Fisher Houses on U.S. military bases.

Amazing! Whether you're an expert singer or just sing in the shower, this is one campaign we can easily get involved in and make a huge difference in the lives of military families! Check out my kids' doing their part:

And this isn't the first or only way that Walmart has shown their support to military families like my own...check it out:

Walmart has a long-standing commitment to support America’s military and veterans. This October, Walmart launched the Greenlight A Vet campaign to help create visible and actionable national support for veterans nationwide. Walmart invited all Americans to show support for veterans by changing one light bulb in their home to green, raising awareness on social media, volunteering and serving with veteran groups in their community, or starting a mentor/mentee relationship with a veteran. More information on Walmart’s Greenlight A Vet campaign is available at

Additionally, Walmart is committed to hiring 250,000 veterans by 2020 through its Veterans Welcome Home Commitment. As part of this effort, Walmart recently greenlighted its 100,000th veteran hire. While a job is a vital piece of transitioning from military to civilian life for a veteran, it also takes a coordinated, multi-sector effort to create healthy transitions to civilian life. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have committed $20 million in grants to organizations that provide veteran job training, education and community-based collaboration.

Ready to create your video and help Walmart give back to military families this Christmas season! Follow the steps listed above and join me to sing to salute!

To learn more about Walmart’s Holiday Sing to Salute Military Families campaign, review rules for participation and see featured videos, visit

And be sure to join in for the one-hour Twitter party on Dec. 10 at 1 p.m. ET using the hashtag #Sing2Salute!!! You'll learn more about the campaign AND there will be a chance to win one of 
five $25 Walmart gift cards to randomly selected participants who answer trivia questions (tweeted from @TMChatHost) correctly using #Sing2Salute and #sweepstakes. Eligible winners must RSVP, so head on over and RSVP now.


  1. Omgosh your kiddos are too cute!! What a great campaign this is!! I just love Walmart for doing this!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24