Saturday, November 14, 2015

6 Ways To Get Through A Deployment #sp

This post is sponsored by Martinsburg College. I received compensation for this post through my relationship with the Quality Blue Community. All opinions are my own.

If you are a military wife you know...deployments stink!

There are many really great things about the military life, but no one will ever make the claim that deployments make that list! Still, when we have a loved one deployed, the worst thing we can do is to sit around and dwell on their absence. Instead, we have to find some ways to occupy our time and attention. Today, I'm sharing 6 things that can help you get through your spouse's deployment!


For me, one of the things that helped me get through deployments most was my faith. I not only prayed for my husband's strength, but also for my own as I went through my day to day caring for a special needs child on my own. I prayed for peace and I prayed for patience and mostly I just prayed to get through each and every day until my husband came home.

Find a New Hobby

The real key to surviving a deployment is to stay busy. The more time you have to be bored, the more time you have to worry and think about all that you're missing. Now, if you have young kids, they will keep you plenty busy, but finding a new hobby- or jumping deeper into an old one is a great way to pass the time! Create elaborate scrapbooks, learn to refinish furniture, take an art class. Not crafty? Join a sports team, take dance lessons or start a garden!

Make Friends

Aside from staying busy, having another adult to talk to can make a world of difference to your sanity during deployments. Now, I realize that making friends can be tough- having severe social anxiety myself that is a struggle I know all too well! Still, if you're near a base, there are often many activities for wives to get involved in- check those out! Kids in school? Get to know the other moms! Introduce yourself to your neighbors, find local mommy groups or just introduce yourself to the mom you meet at the park or library with her little ones!


Is there a local charity that you feel strongly about? Volunteer your time! Start a coat drive or a toy drive. Put together care packages not JUST for your spouse, but for those that might not have family to send them. There are many ways to give back right in your own neighborhood!

Set a Goal

If you have something to set your mind to, its much easier to focus your energy on the positive, isn't it? So, what's something you've been wanting to accomplish? Perhaps you want to get to the gym or lose weight? A talent you want to improve? A house to redecorate? Give yourself something to work on and time will fly right by!!

Go Back To School

Speaking of setting a goal, what better goal is there than furthering your education!? Going back to school is a great way to occupy your time and keep you busy with a fantastic end result- a career that you love and can be proud of! And for a great school that understands the unpredictable life of a military spouse, Martinsburg College is a GREAT choice! They have been working with the military community since 2004 and know the unique challenges the military lifestyle poses and work around them well!

But aside from that, what sets Martinsburg College apart from the rest? Here are a few quick facts:

  • 95% of the students that respond to our surveys expressed satisfaction with their experience.
  • When students do not complete our program it is rarely because they are not satisfied with their experience. Typically their lives change, children, marital stress, health issues, interfere in unforeseen and uncontrollable ways.
  • Depending on the program students are provided with digital access to one or more textbooks related to their areas of study. These resources are very expensive ranging from $100 to more than $300 per program if a student were required to purchase them.
And more!

Plus, they offer great programs that will lead to portable careers- those jobs that you can find no matter where the military sends you. Martinsburg College offers a variety of certificate options that are ideal for military spouses such as opportunities in Healthcare, Medical Administration, Security, Business and Professional Development, Information Technology and Digital Technology Integration.

Going back to school with a program such as Martinsburg is a life changing way to get you through any deployment!

Want to learn more about continuing your education and the benefits available to you? Martinsburg College has created this Facebook group to help answer all your questions. Join now to learn more!

Are you a military spouse who has survived a deployment or two? What tips do YOU have?


  1. I have a friend I am going to invite to your Blog. Her husband will be deploying in February and it will be her and their 7 children at home. I love your blog and I am sure she will too! This is a great post that I am sure will be helpful to many.

  2. These are all amazing suggestions!! I simply cannot imagine those who have to experience life without their significant other for so long and in such dangerous situations!! I feel like finding a group of ladies in your same situation would really help!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24