Friday, October 23, 2015

‘Just Show Up’ by Kara Tippetts and Jill Lynn Buteyn (Plus a Tried & True Friendship Giveaway)

It's easy to be a friend when things are going great. There's no pressure, no struggles. You just enjoy being a friend. But when things aren't so easy? When life sends us struggle after struggle. When things aren't going well. When we need a shoulder to cry on, someone to gripe to, someone to just be there to listen. That's when it gets a little harder to be a friend. But isn't that when we need them the most? They say you always find out who your true friends are when life is going downhill, and that's absolutely true. The true friend is one who no matter what life brings always shows up.

I am lucky enough to have one great friend like this.

Being the mom to a special needs child is not always easy. I would not trade my son for anything in this world, but the reality is that many just don't know how to take my son. He gets overwhelmed easily- especially in new places and public meltdowns unfortunately can be all too common. He also keeps me busy, busy, busy. It can put a strain on relationships when people simply don't understand that my child comes first.

But my best friend is amazing. Not only does she get it, but she loves my kids too. She may not be an aunt by blood, but she certainly is an aunt in every other way. She may not understand all that I go through on a daily basis, but she still comes around even when it's not easy. I know that whatever life throws at me, she will always be the one who shows up.

The new book, Just Show Up is a beautiful story of another such friendship:

What does friendship look like in the midst of changing life seasons, loads of laundry—and even cancer? Kara Tippetts and Jill Lynn Buteyn teamed up to write Just Show Up, a story of their close friendship and walk through Kara's battle with terminal cancer. Whether you are eager to be present to someone going through a difficult time or simply want inspiration for pursuing friends in a new way, this eloquent and practical book explores the gift of silence, the art of receiving, and what it means to just show up.

This truly is such a wonderful book! It is personal, it is raw and it will bring you to tears, but it is a must read for every woman! Grab a box of tissues and pick up this book today.

Celebrate the gift of friendship with a Tried & True Friendship giveaway—a prize for you and for a friend!

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One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 23rd. The winner will be announced October 26th on Jill's blog.

Is one of your friends going through a tough time—maybe you need some encouragement? Stop by Kara and Jill's author page, click on the reviews bar, and read through some bloggers' stories of how their friends got them through suffering.

just show up-banner


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24