Thursday, October 8, 2015

Celebrate Sweetest Day with These At Home Date Night Ideas #FCBlogger

**A huge thanks to Family Christian for sponsoring today's post. All thoughts are my own.

Have you heard of Sweetest Day?

This fun holiday is celebrated every year on the third Saturday in October (October 17th this year). Much like Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day is a day to celebrate those we love and care about with gifts of candy and flowers. If you ask me, ANY excuse is a good excuse to celebrate those we love. So, in honor of Sweetest Day, we're celebrating with some fun (and inexpensive) date night in ideas.

For those of us with young children, date nights out just aren't an option. These fun ideas allow us to stay home and enjoy our spouse's company after the kids have gone to bed (or even when they're just playing in another room!). Check them out:

  • Cook Dinner...Together! Who says you have to go out to have a great dinner experience? Instead, consider having dinner in. Find a new recipe and learn to cook it together. It can be something super fancy, or something simple...whatever you prefer. Make the cooking more the experience than the eating. 
  • Order In. Too tired to cook? Don't stress it! Order takeout so that you can both relax. Dress up the meal with candles to make it more romantic, if you wish. Make it even more fun by putting on your best dress too!
  • Cocoa and Cuddles. When the weather starts to cool, there is nothing greater than cuddling up to the one you love with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa (or coffee). A cozy blanket and matching his and her mugs are all you need for a calm and cozy date night in.

  • Movie Night. I don't know about you, but I much prefer a movie night in than a movie night out... it's so much more comfortable! We can stay in our pajamas, cuddle up with a warm blanket on the couch...and the popcorn is much cheaper too! One of my favorites to watch with my husband is Fireproof... the perfect movie night in selection for every marriage!

  • Watch the Sunset. Is there anything more romantic? Turn off the phones, step outside and enjoy the great company...and the view.
  • Do a Puzzle. Work together to put together a puzzle. When you're finished, consider framing and hanging the finished product.
  • Let's Dance. Turn on some romantic music, light some candles and dance!
  • Spa Night. Who couldn't use a little relaxation? Skip the spa prices and instead give each other foot massages right at home. 
  • Read the Bible. Sure, this might not sound like an exciting date night idea...but it is one that will bring you much closer to your spouse. You can even invest in a couples' devotional!

  • Turn Back Time. Put on your song, grab the photo albums and reminisce about the beginning of your relationship.
  • Have a Nerf Gun Battle. These fun toys are not just for kids...but you may want to involve them in this date night idea!
  • Have a Game Night. Bring out the board games for some fun competition. (Check out these games for some inspiration.)
Ready to celebrate your sweetheart on Sweetest Day? Family Christian has everything you need to have a fun date night in. You can see it all and connect at the links below:

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What other ideas do you have for a fun date night in?


  1. Love these!! I feel like you covered my ultimate date night!!! Mine would definintely involved making our own sundaes tho!!! Ice cream makes everything better ;)

  2. We love movie nights on the couch with popcorn (or catching up on TV shows via Hulu Plus nights). We have also recently discovered the fun of going estate saling together. Granted, those tend to be held on weekends in the daytime, but there are 2 places nearby that have evening auctions of the "leftovers" from the previous weekends estate sales. Sometimes you can find a fun box of treasures for just a $ or 2 - and some nights we buy nothing, but it is fun to do some dreaming and commentary on the things for sale!

    I just love the 2 mugs you have in the photo - do you mind sharing where you got those?

    1. ....and I just realized you wanted ideas for a date night "in". But I did mention movie nights.......also, the "in" part is going through the "treasures" in the huge box of stuff that you got for $1......Tonight I am the proud owner of a beautiful serving tray, that was in the bottom of the box we got for 50 cents.......

  3. These all sound like fun ideas, and I can't think of anything to add. I'd say get an electric fireplace if you don't have a real one, or a woodstove, and enjoy the fire!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24