Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cinderella Now Available On BluRay/DVD {A Review + Activity Sheets}

**I received a copy of this movie for review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

I have always loved Cinderella. Of all the Disney princesses, she has always been my favorite. As a matter of fact, it is that love of Cinderella that led to the blog name 'A Modern Day Fairy Tale'. You see, when my husband and I first became a couple, we were half a world away- him in Iraq and me in the US. When we met in person for the first time, he surprised me in his Dress Blues looking rather princely with a rose and a pair of glass slippers, whisking me off to the (Marine Corps) Ball. If it hadn't held a special place in my heart before then, it certainly does now!

So, when I first heard that there was a live action version coming from Disney!? Well, excited doesn't even begin to cover it! I could not WAIT to see it! I'm sure we all know the story of Cinderella by heart, but just in case:

Celebrate Disney’s “Cinderella,” a modern classic that shines with beauty, imagination…and magic! Despite being mistreated by her stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters, a spirited Ella (Lily James) resolves to take charge of her fate. Add a royal ball, a Fairy Godmother (Helena Bonham-Carter) and a glass slipper, and suddenly – magic becomes reality!

Unfortunately, when the movie came to theater, I was unable to go at the time. What a bummer! But I did hear a lot about it. In fact, I was actually told be a few that it wasn't a 'kid movie'... and I had no idea what that meant, so I was curious to see for myself. And honestly, I'm still not sure! It's not a cartoon and it's not AS cutesy as the beloved classic, but it's still fun, still magic filled and still a Disney-fied version of the story (ahem, no toes are getting chopped off in this one!). Did my 2-year-old princess loving girl enjoy it? Yes! Would she enjoy the cartoon more? Maybe. My 8 year old on the other hand loved it.... especially when the carriage turned back into a pumpkin... much more dramatic in live action!  I personally LOVED it... it was a beautiful movie and I could see myself watching again and again!

Another great part of the BluRay/DVD? Frozen Fever!!!! If you have a Frozen fan in your home, be prepared... this special feature short is going to get more play than the movie itself! It certainly has in my house! My son and daughter have both watched it over and over again and cannot get enough! Between the great movie and the special features, this has been a GREAT addition to our Disney collection!

Cinderella is available NOW on Bluray & DVD.

Learn more and connect at the links below:


Cinderella We Heart It:

And for more Cinderella fun, check out these fun activities:
Download Cinderella Majestic Games & Craft


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