Monday, August 24, 2015

Say Cheese with Tea Collection {Tips and Tricks for an Awesome School Photo} #TeaAdventurer

A huge thanks to Tea Collection for sponsoring today's post! All thoughts are my own. Post contains affiliate links.

Now that school is back in session, it means that school picture day will be coming up soon too! Exciting, right? I have a love/hate relationship with school photos. I love the great keepsake to keep and watch my son grow year by year, but as a photography enthusiast I dread the bad school photo! We've all had them, right? I mean it's a topic of many a TV show- those bad school photos that will haunt us for life- the sneeze caught on camera, the haircut gone bad, the bad choice of backgrounds... well, you get the idea! We cannot always avoid the pimples or the silly faces, but there are some school picture mishaps we CAN avoid!

Today, I'm sharing my tips to help you make sure your child has a great school picture this year!

Choose your background wisely.

At some schools, you may not have much choice when it comes to the background, perhaps a simple color or two to choose from. Others you are given too many to name- multiple color options, fall scenes, starry scenes... you name it! But for me personally, I think simple is better! First and foremost, this is a photo of your child, and a simple background is going to ensure that they are the focus! A fancy background may seem like a good idea at the time, but makes it more difficult to plan outfits and if you plan to display your school year progressions together, you'll want to keep a similar looks throughout! I personally always choose a simple grey or blue- it suits my child's skin tone, coordinates with everything and doesn't detract from your adorable child!

The night before picture day is NOT the best day for a new hairstyle. 

We've all seen those bad haircut school photos, right? If you're planning a new hairstyle for your little one, it's always best to try it BEFORE picture day, not the night before. For haircuts, give it a week or two if you can. Not only will this keep you from having a hair disaster right before the big day, but we want our children to look like THEM, so a huge change before pictures might not be the best idea anyway!

Pack a 'clean' lunch!

Typically, my son has always had lunch after pictures, but just in case... it's probably not the best day to pack your leftover spaghetti in the thermos! Or a pb&j, heavy on the j! Be mindful of the mess when you're packing your little one's lunch on picture day!

Plan your outfit in advance.

Just like you need to choose your background wisely, you need to plan your outfit wisely too! Choose colors that look great on your child, and that will work nicely with your background. Have everything laid out and ready beforehand so that you are not rushing at the last minute to find the finishing touches...and so that if you're running late that morning, it's already ready to go!

Be mindful of t-shirts/designs.

Personally, I prefer not to go with t-shirts at all for photos, BUT if that's all your child wears then go with it... but be mindful of the designs. You don't want to choose something with a phrase that will be cut off mid-statement, likewise with a graphic. When it comes to tees, I personally once again find that simple is best. Take these two great tees from Tea Collection for example:

The first has a great design with lots of visual appeal, but no graphics to worry about no matter how close the crop. I personally found this tribal print to be a really fun choice, giving a little extra something to plain ol' stripes (though stripes are another great option).

This second one again has a great pattern, but offers a great alternative to those who love a good graphic tee! It offers this fun whale's tale design, that isn't overly busy and in which again nothing will be missed in a closely cropped photo.

I also love the idea of pairing these simple t-shirts with a bright hoodie tee...this dresses up a plain tee a little more and adds an extra splash of color. (And can even be worn on its own too!)

Let your child show off their own style.

Sure, a photo of your child dressed to the nines might be absolutely adorable...but if your kid is a jeans and t-shirt kinda kid, it's not really going to look like THEM. So, give them some say in what they wear! It's fine to make it a dressier version of their everyday style of course, but make sure it's still them.

For the kid who loves to wear a t-shirt, again, simple designs and layering can be great ways to turn their everyday style with a little more excitement for picture day!

My son happens to love button ups so we like finding bright colors and fun prints that look great on him. They are great on their own, layered or even with our favorite fashion accessories like suspenders or bow ties! When it comes to boys, you cannot go wrong with a great button up.

Remember, it's only a picture!

At the end of the day, even or most careful planning cannot keep our kids from making a silly remember, if it doesn't turn out perfectly, it is just a photo!

If you need the perfect outfit for picture day, Tea Collection cannot be beat! In fact, every piece featured in this post is from Tea! Tea Collection offers wonderfully unique kids' clothes that truly will help you create fun, one of a kind looks for picture day and beyond. More importantly, the quality was amazing and evident from the moment I opened the package! I love knowing that not only will these pieces-whichever we decide on- look great in his school photos, but will hold up well far beyond that day too! As an added bonus, we found that they mix and match very well, even in unexpected combinations, making to super easy to layer and style for one of a kind looks!

To celebrate the start of an all new school year, they've introduced a super fun campaign, "This Year I Will..."

With every order, you will receive a "This Year I Will..." poster for your child to complete:

At Tea, we believe every day is an adventure. Ask your little citizens about their plans for new adventures this school year (and beyond!) and use ‪#‎TEAADVENTURER to share your poster with us on Instagram or directly upload your photos here:

How fun is that? As you can see, my little guy has big plans to learn to run super fast (like The Flash!). From silly to serious, I love this idea of inspiring kids to dream and set goals!

What will you little adventurers do this year?

From school pictures, first day of school and throughout the year, Tea Collection has just what you need to get your kids there in style! Be sure to keep up to date on all the great sales and connect at the links below:

Shop Online.
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Follow on Instagram.

Are you ready for school picture day? What other tips do you have for getting a GREAT school picture?

Get it All for Fall! Save up to 20%


  1. I really like all of their clothes, I just wish they were more affordable!

  2. Such great ideas!! I would almost even have the child bring an extra shirt just in case!! I have seen some hilarious fail photos of tshirts with writing that has come off as totally crazy in a picture!! The Tea collection has such cute clothing and totally picture worthy!! My son and I plan on taking lots of adventures this year!! Im hoping to have another one on the way next ;)

  3. We always made sure we went to bed early the night before - the school pictures seemed to be taken at the beginning of the day, and I didn't want my kids looking like they were exhausted! On a side note, some of my friends have already had their kid's school photos taken for the year...that seems so early!

  4. Their clothes are so stinkin' cute! Love that whale tee!

  5. This post has really thought of everything to ensure great photos - you won't be wasting your time or money, photos relegated to the back of the bunch. These photos came out wonderful, it is impossible to pick a fav!

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