Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Easiest Air Freshener You'll Ever Make {DIY Essential Oil Air Freshener}

Before making the switch to greener cleaning options, I must admit that I was a little bit obsessed with air fresheners. I'd have an air freshener in all bathrooms, along with sprays in every room that I would spray as necessary- often on a daily basis! Looking back now, I am appalled at the sheer amount of chemicals I was bringing into my home... but at the time I just didn't want to a stinky house! And I still don't! Thankfully, I have found many great ways to keep my home smelling fresh- naturally! Today, I am excited to share the easiest homemade air freshener you will ever make. It takes just two ingredients!!

To make your own, here's what you'll do:

DIY Essential Oil Air Freshener

  • Baking Soda
  • Essential Oil of Choice
  1. First up, find a small glass bowl or jar. Pour in some baking soda (I used approximately 1/4 cup, but really this will just depend on the size of your container). 
  2. Now, choose you essential oil. I love using citruses like lemon or orange or a blend like Purification, but you really can't go wrong with whatever you choose! 
  3. Add a few drops to the baking soda. Again, the amount will depend on how much baking soda you use as well as how strong you want it to be- but I've found a little usually goes a long way. Mix well.

  4. Place the bowl wherever you need extra freshening- bathroom counters, kitchen windows, etc. When you need a little scent boost, give it another stir!
That's it, super easy! For a liquid spray, you could add some of this baking soda mixture to water in a spray bottle as well, but be certain to shake well before each use. You could also use this powder mixture in stinky shoes- sprinkle it in, let sit and vacuum it out! The baking soda is great for drawing out odors while the essential oils give it a little extra scent boost!

Will you be making your own air freshener? What scents will you be using? What other natural options have you found for a great smelling home?


  1. I think I'll try this one. I'm obsessed with Rosemary Mint scents and I have both the oils. How long will this last before I need to add more oils?

  2. Wow this is so easy!!! I think ilk use lavender and mint! Or maybe lavender and lime? Or maybe just peace and calming? Gah!! I simply can't decide!!!

  3. I'll have to give this a shot with a citrus oil.

  4. Easy recipe (?) and one I will have to try. I recently won some orange essential oil.

  5. That's a great idea I want to try. My only idea is I like to make a solution of water with a little scented fabric softener or Purex crystals (just a teeny bit) and then use it to spritz the air. I love the scent of fresh laundry!!

  6. This sounds so easy and I will will have to make some for our bathrooms.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24