Thursday, June 11, 2015

Take the Awkward Out of Pregnancy Testing with First Response Comfort Sure Design #IC #ad

     I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Aww, motherhood.

If ever you doubt that love at first sight exists, simply watch as a mother sees her child for the very first time and you will see that its real. But for many of us, that love begins long before we see those beautiful faces. It begins at that very moment when you see the second line on a pregnancy test.
What a beautiful moment that is! When you have dreamed of becoming a mother, that moment is unforgettable. It is a time of joy, a time of celebration, a time of love. Immediately, your mind starts dreaming. You start planning how you will tell your loved ones- perhaps a creative picture or over a dinner. You start thinking about the nursery. You start thinking about the adorable clothes you will get to buy. You start wondering if it's a boy or a girl, and what you will name them. Yes, it is a pretty wonderful moment in it should be.

Unfortunately, it can also be a little... awkward! I mean let's face it... you're peeing on a stick! That doesn't scream comfort, or joy, or happiness! It just screams...well, awkward! You have to get in just the right position to make sure the stick is in the stream, without peeing on your hand or dropping the stick in the toilet... it's not an easy task by any means! Of course there's always the 'pee in a cup' option, but really is that any better? Here you are in this- what should be one of the most exciting moments of your life and you're worried about peeing on yourself? Does it have to be so complicated? Couldn't there be an easier way?

Thankfully, First Response saw the need for something better, and created the all new Comfort Sure Design! With it's wider tip and longer handles, it makes taking that home pregnancy test much easier! The design may be new and improved, but the benefits of First Response remain the same:

  • They are FDA approved.
  • They are designed to detect all relevant forms of urinary hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin-pregnancy hormone) throughout pregnancy.
  • They detect pregnancy as early as six days before the day of missed period.
  • The results are easy to read, ready in three minutes with over 99% accuracy from the day of the expected period. (Two pink lines indicates pregnancy.)
  • Test can be used at anytime of day.
  • Retails from approximately $8.99-$15.99.
With these new redesigned tests, we can get the accuracy that we love, without the awkwardness. Now we can focus solely on what truly matters, the joy of that moment you learn you are going to be mommy. It's a beautiful moment, treasure every minute!

Head to your local Walgreens or CVS (or other major drugstore, mass or grocery store) to start the experience today.

Are you a mom or mom-to-be? I would love to hear your experiences! How did you feel when you got that first positive test? How did you announce your pregnancy to the world? Share your stories in the comments below.



  1. Love the new design and wider tip!! About time!!! Love that they are making things easier for us ladies!! Even tho we do have to get skilled with peeing in things while prego lol!! ;)

  2. I have always liked First Response the best. I like the new design

  3. Earlier is better for finding out whether or not you're pregnant (especially of you're TTC and have to go to a girls night and are unsure whether it's safe to drink! ) This is my go to test :)

  4. I used a First Response when taking my first pregnancy test! The handle does look easier to use.

  5. I'm 3 months pregnant with our first child! We were actually in Paris on vacation when I took a pregnancy test! We learned that 'enceinte' in French means pregnant! ;)

  6. It's crazy how advanced they're getting with these things--but it's really nice to know!

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  13. I really appreciate you effort by providing us these information on predict with baby gender calculator. I am trying all methods to get pregnant naturally. So I might use this method as well.

  14. In fact, it takes anywhere from two to three days for levels to double. Since they start so low, it can take a few weeks before they are high enough to be detected by a home test.
    Am I pregnant calculator


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24