Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood: A Devotional Book Review

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

As moms, our lives are always filled with activity. From the minute we wake up to the moment we finally drift off to sleep, we are busy taking care of our children's every needs. There is breakfast to be made, diapers to be changed, songs to be sung... I often find myself at the end of the day with my hair still unbrushed and jammies still on... who has enough time?

But I also find that I often forget in the midst of the busy-ness of life to make time to be with God. And as a mother, this is not something I want. More than ever, I want His love to reflect through me and to show my kids how to walk in faith.

I needed a devotional that was made for moms like me... which I found in 'Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood':

Being a mom usually means being busy. Really busy. Whether you’re zipping from your children’s piano lessons to their next ballgame or nursing a baby while comforting a toddler, life is brimming with activities. Yet one encounter can help shape every moment: time in the Word with Jesus. In Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, you’ll learn how to nourish your own heart, mind, and soul with the wisdom you need to become the mother you long to be. 

As you spend time with God through this eleven-week Bible study, you’ll gain life-shaping insights to help you:
Understand and pursue your purpose as a mother
Live out your true priorities
Entrust your child to God
Bear the fruit of the Spirit in your everyday interactions
Recover from Perfect Mom Syndrome (PMS)

Each week offers four days of study geared specifically to a mother’s concerns, with the Bible passages already printed out for your convenience. The fifth day is a warm-hearted devotional reading to help you reflect on and apply the truths you’ve learned.

As your relationship with God deepens through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll discover how His imprint on your heart can make a lasting impression on your children.

This Bible study is a fantastic read for all moms. Designed to be read over the course of 11 weeks, each week has a theme such as 'Understanding Your Purpose' or 'Entrusting Your Child to the Lord'. Every day there is a short reading to go with that theme, including space to write your answers and thoughts for that day's topic! These themes are relevant to moms, and truly help us to grow closer to God in motherhood and in day to day life. I am not entirely through the study yet myself, but am already loving it and cannot wait to finish.

While I love the study itself, I also really love the resources at the end- memory verses for moms and topical verses for children. I love that this book not only helps me as a mom grow, but offers that support in helping me help my children grow in Christ as well.

With Mother's Day just around the corner, I could not think of a greater gift for the mom in your life than this fantastic devotional! Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood is available for purchase now at your favorite Christian retailers.

How do YOU make time for God in the busy life of motherhood?


  1. I love this!! Altho I pray every night I don't seem to slow down enough to appreciate everything and thank god enough! I like that the book is set up as a study guide and weekly focus. So perfect for busy mamas! Praying every night is the time I make every night for god but I should find the time to include him more in my day :)

  2. Just read another review on this book and I am SO excited. I know I need this.

  3. Great review! I think I'm going to pick up this book after I finish my current reading.

  4. This would be a great gift for my sister-in-law. With a 4 year old, 2 year old, and another on the way, she is a busy mommy! But she seems to make time for everyone, including God. I hope when my life as a mother gets as busy are hers, I'll be able to follow her example and stay close to God through that process. Sounds like a great read for sure!

  5. This would be a great gift for my sister-in-law. With a 4 year old, 2 year old, and another on the way, she is a busy mommy! But she seems to make time for everyone, including God. I hope when my life as a mother gets as busy are hers, I'll be able to follow her example and stay close to God through that process. Sounds like a great read for sure!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24