Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Say Goodbye to the 'Whatever' Attitude: A Whatever Wanda Book Review

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Do you ever just find that your kid has days where their attitude is just awful? That attitude of 'Whatever. I don't wanna, so I'm just going to complain about it the whole time'. A few months back, I started to notice this more in my son. Perhaps its an age thing, because friends with children of the same age group said the same! And let me tell you- there is nothing more annoying than the whatever attitude...and puts a damper on everyone's day!!

That's just what we learn in the third book in the Shine Bright Kids series (a book series that provides children and families with tools to teach the importance of making good choices, exploring topics such as using good judgement, taking responsibility, having a positive attitude and demonstrating perseverance)- Whatever Wanda:

Wanda is in serious need of an attitude adjustment! She doesn’t want to accompany her family to the Rubber Duck Days Festival, and once there, she won’t participate in any of the events or join in with her friends. Soon Wanda receives some helpful advice and learns that:

“Sometimes you have to believe something will be great before it actually is. Being positive is a choice that makes everything better, not to mention, a whole lot more fun!”

About the author:

Christy Ziglar, financial planner, mother of twins, and niece of legendary motivator and the world’s original optimist, Zig Ziglar, is bringing the same timeless wisdom and ageless advice to an entirely new, younger audience through her Shine Bright Kids picture book series. Christy, her husband, and their twins live in Atlanta, Georgia.

About the illustrator:

Paige Billin-Frye lives with her husband in Washington, D.C., where she gardens and grows food in her city yard. She has illustrated numerous children’s books and works in a studio over a neighborhood hardware store. Coincidentally, Paige has amassed a collection of rubber duckies of all sizes across the years.

You can find the other titles of the Shine Bright Kids series HERE

Does this story sound familiar? It certainly did here! This fun story taught a great lesson on the power of having a positive attitude in a way that kids can relate to. Telling your child to make the most of their situation, or think about having fun and they will have fun may very well go in one ear and out the other...but this story gives that same message in a way that is both fun and relate-able. We loved it!

This is actually the first book we have read in the series, but if the others are as good as this, we cannot wait to get our hands on them! Fun stories + positive messages... what could be better? Visit the website to see more great titles.

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  1. I think the kids would love the 1 Game - Circus Walk Travel Game from Shine Bright Kids

  2. Must- Have Marvin looks like a good book too!

  3. I like the Must Have Marvin book. I think it'd help teach my child to not always want the new thing.

  4. I like the idea of these kinds of books! I'll have to get some! It's good that they can influence a child subtly as they read.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24