Thursday, March 12, 2015

Duck Commander Devotions for Kids: A Book Review

**I received a copy of this book as a member of BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Being a Christian woman, born and raised in the boondocks, some might assume that I'd be the biggest Duck Dynasty fan in the world- I certainly fit their demographic fairly well, right? But the reality is- until recently, I'd never even seen the show. Of course I'd heard of them, and respected the values they stood for, but I didn't get the hoopla. (Honestly, despite my upbringing I'm FAR from being a country girl!).

Still, a few weeks back as I searched through Netflix on the hunt for a new show to watch, I noticed Season 1 and figured- why not? It was time to see what the big deal was. And I'll admit, it was pretty good. It wasn't something I was dying to see more of, but I enjoyed it. My son on the other hand? He was enthralled! I don't know if it was that the beards reminded him of his Papaw (my dad has been rocking the long beard long before the show- in fact I've never seen his face aside from old photos) or the fact that he recognized Uncle Si from Veggie Tales Merry Larry Christmas DVD, but he was immediately a fan. The next day after school he rushed in and immediately asked to watch some more. Since then he's watched more (with parental supervision- as there are a few slightly inappropriate topics brought up that are not suitable for my 7-year-old), enjoyed their children's book and really just come to really enjoy learning about the family.

So, when I learned that they had a new devotional for kids, I could not wait to get it for him. Take a look:

The first devotional for kids by the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty fame!

With the Robertson clan's flair for down-home wisdom and their wholesome family values, this devotional reveals the heart and faith of this much-loved family from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. The more than 6-million moms, dads, and little ones who are loyal fans of the Duck Dynasty family will love this collection of inspirational messages.

Each devotion contains a brief message, an anecdotal story from America's favorite family, a passage from Scripture, a prayer, and a Duck Commander in Action. Not only are the messages motivational, but they are also mixed with the characters' trademark wit and revelations from their personal faith journeys. An ideal companion product for Duck Dynasty fans, outdoor enthusiasts, and those who want to grow in their faith, Duck Commander Devotions for Kids is certain to inspire little ones in their faith journey.

Needless to say, my son was absolutely thrilled when his devotional arrived! He couldn't wait to start reading! We loved that each devotion included not only a bible verse and prayer, but also a fun story about the Robertson family. These stories were fun, relate-able and easy for kids to understand. They also included a call to action- giving ways to go out and put these lessons they've read about into use in the real world. Honestly, sometimes even as an adult the question of how to apply biblical lessons in our daily lives can be a little hard to understand...for kids even more-so. This devotional provides age appropriate ways to do just that.

If you have a little one who enjoys Duck Dynasty or the Robertson Family, this is certainly a great addition to your collection. But even if you're not a fan, the lessons are truly ideal for anyone! With Easter right around the corner, I could not think of a better gift to include in every Easter basket than the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids!!

Do you have a mini Duck Dynasty fan in your life who would appreciate this fun devotional?


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24