Monday, January 5, 2015

Finley Grace, 16 Months.

This post was written on December 18th, the day before Finley turned 16 months, but due to the holidays, battling illnesses, etc it kept getting pushed back...but better late than never!

Another month has gone by and I'm still in denial. She may be walking and talking and learning and growing...but she's still a tiny baby in my eyes. Here's what sweet baby Finley has been up to this month:

  • Holding strong in 24 months clothing, I think she's definitely reached that point where her growth has become much less rapid!(Which is great, as she has an adorable 24 month winter wardrobe!!)
  • She's working on even more teeth. She'll have a mouthful before we know it!
  • She's finally figuring out sippy cups. She's never had a bottle, so it's definitely a whole new experience. She wears her water quite often!
  • She's a climber. She recently learned to climb out of the crib...the good news is she doesn't actually sleep there anyway...but does hang out there while I'm getting dressed or putting away laundry! Oh boy!!
  • Frozen and Minnie Mouse are still her favorites.
  • When given the choice of what to wear, she always goes for the fanciest option available. She loves her poofy princess dresses!
  • She thinks she is a big kid and always wants to run around with big brother and his buddies at cub scout meetings!
  • She's already learning to follow simple directions!
  • This month has more than anything been all about her speech! It seems like each day she is learning more and more! Just take a look at this status I posted about a week ago on my personal Facebook: She knows her typical 'baby's first words': mama, daddy, bubby, milk, cup, apple,baby, hi, bye. She knows her body parts & clothing: eyes, nose, belly, teeth, shoes, socks, bow, pretty (dresses). She knows her Disney words: Disney, Minnie, Elsa, Frozen (Nanana), Anna, Olaf, princess, TV. And thanks to bubby she knows her 'potty' words: butt, pee, poop, potty, diaper. These are just some of her many words, she truly seems to learn something new everyday. 
Given her big brother's speech and developmental delays it is quite fascinating to watch her learn so very quickly, as it is a whole new experience for us! I cannot wait to see what she will learn next!!


  1. She looks simply adorable in that dress and headband. Glad she's progressing so well.

  2. Sounds like she is right on schedule!! She is adorable and smart!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24