Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October via Instagram

Towards the middle of October I realized that I'd somehow managed to forget my monthly Instagram share post from September! Ooops! I debated posting then, but at that point seemed a little too late, so instead I decided to just pick back up for October! Here's a brief look at our October via Instagram.

Why are we cuddling with a pumpkin you ask? Great question...Shaun is a little silly that way!

Miss Finley got her nails painted for the very first time! How adorable, right?

Someone decided he was going to take up knitting...interesting!

We built this free Lego Bat Signal at our local Toys R US! 

Such a helpful son I have...on occasion at least!

Shaun finished his first season of soccer! He was so proud of his medal!!

And finally, Halloween! My Steve and Cinderella were the cutest kids around...if only it had not been so cold! (We were trick or treating in the snow!! Wow!)


  1. Oh so cute! Those tiny painted nails to cute! I love the soccer medal pictures too. Look how proud he is!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24