Friday, September 5, 2014

August via Instagram

Time again for my monthly Instagram, where did August go!? August is a big month for our family. This year Finley turned ONE! Shaun turned seven. I turned 27. We partied, we shopped, we played... My little guy started playing soccer (his first time playing a team sport) and my husband finished up his last days actively working in the Marine Corps (he is now on leave until he officially gets out in a few short weeks). Here's a look back at our month via Instagram:

The Frozen addiction has only grown in our home...our neighbor bought Finnie this little tee! Isn't it cute?

This was taken during a shopping trip to Target. She was grabbing everything Frozen she could get her hands on and stuffing it wherever she could. Silly girl!

I love watching my kiddos play together! (Psst, check back soon for my review and giveaway of this fun toy!)

This pretty girl just keep getting prettier...and I couldn't even have imagined that could be possible!!

We celebrate both kiddos birthdays with a Frozen and Minecraft party! So fun...though I realized after I *may* have gone overboard on the gifts!!

Here's a bit of the aftermath (though a few of these she DID already have!). All of her gifts from US were Disney were several from other friends and family! This girl loves her princesses!

Someone finally has enough hair to hold a bow...this mama is SUPER excited!!

Here is Miss Finley at her ONE YEAR appointment!! Such a big girl!

I took Miss Fin to Once Upon a Child to spend her birthday money...and rather than looking at the toys, she went straight for the clothes! What a girl!!! I love it!

Shaun opening one of his favorite gifts- Tomodachi Life! He was so looking forward to this game and just KNEW he would get it. In fact, the first words out of his mouth that morning were, 'Where's Tomodachi Life?'

Sadly, his 3DS stopped working later that day, without much chance to play. Thankfully it was under warranty though and he'll be playing again soon. Though the timing was horrible, he was super excited when the lady at Nintendo wished him a happy birthday. He told everyone Nintendo wished him happy birthday...a dream come true!! (He also impressed her with his knowledge of Nintendo past and present.)

Shaun decided he wanted to spend his birthday money at the Lego can imagine our excitement when we arrived at the mall to discover the Play Nintendo Tour was there! It was a super awesome birthday surprise for my Nintendo loving boy!! (His Mario shirt was a complete and total coincidence!)

As I said, Shaun started playing soccer this month!! Such a fun time! He has only recently become interested in sports and its such a great experience watching him grow with it. I cannot say he's much of an athlete yet...but he certainly gives it his all. I am so proud of him!!!

We went to Frozen Night at Barnes and Noble earlier in the month also! Both kids had a BLAST!!

Oh this girl...

My best friend came for a brief visit as well. We enjoyed a great dinner at Dave and Buster and some shopping at some of our favorite places- Lego Store, Disney Store and the comic book store!

My handsome boy on his 7th birthday!!

For MY birthday, I took my b-day money to the thrift store on 99 cent Monday for a super mega shopping spree...I still have over half left!!

Mmmhmm, we're in trouble...

Mommy and Fin...I love this girl!! (Shaun refused to be in the photo... what a stinker!)

Every little girl needs an Olaf as big as her, right?

What better way to end this post than with this cuteness, hmm?

September is another big month for us, it is our last month as an active duty military family...and hopefully a month where we learn what our future has in store. I cannot wait!


  1. What a fun month! Happy Birthday to the little ones! :)

  2. Wow, you guys really are making the most of the end of summer! :) You have some adorable kids, looks like they had awesome birthdays!

  3. the kid look great and they are cute it good for boy to get in to spaort and need tokeep active

  4. Your kiddos are so cute. Looks like August was a fun filled month for all!

  5. Such an exciting month!

    You have a beautiful family :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24