Thursday, March 27, 2014

How To Create A Packed Lunch for Kids {For The Un-Crafty Mama} #fruitshoot #fuelyourimagination #sp

Many thanks to Fruitshoot for sponsoring this post and inspiring me to share fun solutions for my kids' lunches!

Let's take a poll- how many of you have seen all the amazing, creative ideas for packing school lunches on websites such as Pinterest and wished that you could create such masterpieces? If only you had the talent...or the time...or even the money? Trust me, you are not alone. So many times I've wished I could recreate some of these fun lunches but the reality is this is just not a talent I possess. And even if it were, with a seven month old in the home, where would I even find the time!? I'll be honest, every once in awhile I even find myself feeling like less of a mom because my kid's lunch often looks much more plain! But I've come to the realization that you don't have to spend hours or be uber talented to make lunchtime fun. You just have to have a little imagination and some great food.

Here are a few tips I've come up with for making lunchtime fun, for the un-crafty mom:

Pick Foods Your Children Enjoys.

It does not matter how cute a lunchbox looks, if your child doesn't like what's in it. Ask their opinions, and take it to heart where you can. Lunchtime is always much more fun when you like what you're eating! It's also good to choose a wide variety, just in case your little one isn't in the mood for a particular food that day!

Up the Visual Appeal.

A lunch can still be visually appealing without going into elaborate detail. Bright colored lunch containers can help, if you have them, but don't fret if you don't. Fresh fruits and veggies add a great pop of color without all the work (or fancy containers). Some personal favorites of ours- baby carrots, grapes of any color, apples, cherry tomatoes and oranges.

Fun shapes can also add visual appeal. A plain ol' peanut butter sandwich becomes much more exciting when cut into bite sized triangles! It'll all about the presentation!

Keep It Healthy

Sure, junk food may sound like a ton of fun to a child but kids will always have more fun (and do better in school) if they eat well. Again, no need to go super fancy...a great sandwich on whole grain bread, fresh fruits and veggies and a healthy snack will do the trick. Of course, an occasional treat isn't such a horrible thing either.

Leave a Special Surprise.

Nothing says I love you than a handwritten note to let your kiddo know you're thinking of them! Just don't make it too embarrassing for those older kiddos!

Don't Forget the Drink!
Of course, you cannot forget to round out the meal with a tasty drink. We love Robinson's Fruitshoot for a fun treat. At home, my little man is constantly drinking, but at school I cannot control that and always worry about him staying hydrated. With Fruitshoot, we have no problems...he loves the variety of flavors and I love that it's made with real juice and contains no high fructose corn syrup, or added sugar. Their vibrant bottles make them fun for kids too! (And as an added benefit, they also feature an innovative no-spill cap, making them perfect for the independent kid on the go as more sticky messes!) It's truly a drink that kids and parents can both love.

And are you ready for the best part (according to my six year old)? Each bottle contains a code to unlock super cool Angry Birds game content!! How cool is that!? It's the lunchbox addition that keeps the fun coming even after it's all gone. Talk about a special surprise!

Want to learn more about this wonderful Angry Birds promotion or all the great flavors available, be sure to check out Robinson's Fruitshoot for yourself here!

Are you a mom who loves elaborate lunches for your kids? Or are you like me and just not that talented? What lunchbox tips can you share? And most importantly, which Fruitshoot flavor would your little (or big) kid love the most?


  1. My kids are huge fans of the apple and the orange. I love all of the Angry Birds in your photos :)

    1. Needless to say, my son is quite the Angry Birds fan...we didn't even grab them all ;)

  2. That big yellow (bird?) is hilarious! I've seen the smaller Angry Birds pillows but not that big one. Fun post!

    1. It's one of my sons favorites...I forget which game he's from, but he blows up like a big funny!!


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