Thursday, February 20, 2014

Naturally Beautiful with a (Super) Easy DIY Sugar Scrub

Welcome to the February 2014 Natural Living Blog Carnival: Naturally Beautiful. This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Natural Living Blog Carnival hosted by Happy Mothering and Crunchy Farm Baby through the Green Moms Network. This month, our members are talking about skincare and other personal care products. You'll find a variety of posts about choosing natural beauty products and even tutorials on how to make some of your own! Be sure to read all of the posts listed at the bottom of mine to learn how to keep your beauty routine safe and natural.
Can I make a confession?

I have recently become absolutely, positively OBSESSED with sugar scrubs. It all started with a fabulous little all natural peppermint scrub from Etsy...and was downhill from there! They do such a great job exfoliating and I always feel super refreshed after using them. I use them all over, but my favorite use is for super dry winter feet, making them much softer! The bad news? They can get a little price-y. The good news? They are super easy and very inexpensive to make. It takes just two products we all already have in our kitchens- sugar and oil! The rest is so easy that it seems silly to even call this a tutorial!

First, decide on your sugar and oil. Personally I love coconut oil for the amazing smell, but olive oil will work great too. If you're using coconut, you'll want it to be in its liquid state. You can microwave for a few seconds if you need to, but I usually just find a warm place to sit a small dish for a bit (near a vent, by the stove while cooking, etc). For the sugar, you can pretty well use anything but powdered. An inexpensive, everyday white or brown sugar will work just fine, or for a more green option go for organic.

Now it's time to start mixing. You can play around a little with exact amounts to find the texture that works best for you, but I found about 2 parts sugar to 1 part oil worked well for me. Mix it well, and you have yourself a very basic scrub.

You can use the scrub just as it is...or you can get a little more creative and in depth. Add a little vitamin e oil to make your skin nice and soft. Give it a little scent with a couple drops of essential oil. I personally love peppermint- it provides a great pick me up for your skin and is cool and refreshing. It's also great for acne prone skin. Need something more relaxing- try lavender. Tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary...the possibilities are can even combine a few to make the most of the healing properties of each oil. And it doesn't have to stop there- I've heard of people adding oats for dry skin or coffee grounds to reduce cellulite (what!?). I can't say that I've personally gone that in depth myself, but I definitely look forward to trying new combinations myself!

Do you make your own natural sugar scrubs? What recipes do you love? What combinations would you love to try? Any more great natural DIY beauty solutions? I'd love to hear all about them!
Visit Happy Mothering and Crunchy Farm Baby to learn more about participating in next month’s Natural Living Blog Carnival! Please take some time to enjoy the posts our other carnival participants have contributed:


  1. This looks great and so simple to make! I love the scent of lavender so I like to use that!

  2. That looks super easy to make! Whenever my stockpile of scrubs runs out, I'll definitely be making my own!

  3. This sounds like such a simple recipe ... and I have all the ingredients on hand! I can't wait to try it.

  4. LOVE sugar scrubs! I make a lemon sugar scrub that is nice and fresh. My sister in law just made me a warm vanilla one that totally smells like french toast! yum!

  5. I love essential oil infused sugar scrubs! They truly make my skin feel soft and moisturized!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24