Monday, November 25, 2013

One of Those Families

As Thanksgiving draws nearer and nearer, I keep seeing more people putting up their holiday decor...and as more decor goes up, more complaining about putting up decor before Thanksgiving today I have a confession to make...

We're one of those families. You know, the ones who already have the decor up and have had it up for a few weeks now. We love Christmas around here. Most of my little man's favorite movies are Christmas movies (A Christmas Story, Polar Express, Home name a few), he loves Christmas songs, Christmas clothes, Christmas lights...well, let's face it, he's obsessed. Last year, as some may recall we came home from trick or treating and my son insisted that Halloween was over and it was time to put up the tree...and he did! He waited a tiny bit longer this year, but after waiting for a year for Christmas to roll around again, a week or so into November seems long enough to wait! For him, it's not just about the presents. Oh sure, he's six years old- presents are still a big part of Christmas...but its about everything else too- the movies, the music, the decor, the excitement...he loves it all! And a month of holiday festivities? Well, that's just not enough time to pack it all in!

We're not skipping Thanksgiving, and we're no less grateful for the blessings in our life than those who choose to wait. We just choose to celebrate the many wonderful themes of Christmas longer as well- giving to others, spreading cheer, the birth of Christ. And if you ask me, those are pretty amazing too. If we could, we'd leave up the Christmas decor all year round.

It's the most wonderful time of the year after all!!

So, when do YOU put your decor up? Are you an early bird like me, or are you waiting?


  1. No! Why would you do such a thing? The holidays can only be observed in a certain order. As for myself, I'm one of those moms that does everything. Eventually.

  2. I'd rather see people with their Christmas decorations up "too early" than the ones who leave them up for months after haha

  3. I usually can't wait to put up the tree; I love Christmas. And we're expecting another Christmas baby (due 12-25-14) so I'll put things up early this year as well.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24