Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Finley Grace, Three Months.

  • Miss Finley is three months old already!
  • We believe she weighs around 13 pounds (no check up this month to know for sure).
  • She is completely in 3-6 months clothes.
  • Finley seems to be taking after big brother and teething early...she's showing all the signs! We bought her a baltic amber teething necklace and it seems to be helping her!
  • Our poor girl had yet another cold this month with a horrible cough- but seems to be on the mend.
  • She has gotten much more 'talkative'...we love hearing her coos.
  • Since last month, she experienced her first Halloween. She was a Cabbage Patch doll, and looked absolutely adorable!!
  • She still hates the carseat.
  • Still no real interest in toys, but seems to be enjoying her swing a bit more. We've also discovered she enjoys sitting in her bouncer (though she still prefers being held).
  • No rolling over either...though she doesn't seem to really try too hard either. Still not worried.

    Overall, Miss Finley is a happy, easy going baby...even while sick!
    She is growing much too quickly, but we're excited to see all the first holiday moments that the coming months will bring. We already could not imagine life without her!


  1. My baby is three months old too! But is still in 0-3 month clothes. I love watching babies grow.

  2. How does she sleep? I'm having such a hard time getting my guy to sleep at night and he's almost three months!

  3. Her eyes are so precious! And I love those BabyLegs; we loved those when my DS was crawling all over the house!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24