Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday, Shaun!!

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing our sweet baby boy home from the hospital, and yet, here we are celebrating his SIXTH birthday! Where does the time go!?

Our sweet newborn baby boy.

First Birthday Pictures

At his second birthday party.
This was right before we began the Autism diagnosis process, we could never have imagined how our lives were about to change from this point in time! This was also the year that he was given his first Thomas train, and his train table (which this silly mommy thought would go unplayed with after the initial newness wore off...boy, was I wrong!!). The obsession was just beginning!

Third Birthday Party- his first of three Thomas themed parties!!

4th Birthday- a small celebration with Mommy on his actually birthday!
We had a bigger party a few weeks later when his Daddy returned home from a yearlong deployment!
Best birthday gift ever!

5th Birthday...and on a very short break from Thomas, he dressed as Mario for his birthday! He also had a large variety of other types of toys on his list last year...almost all of which (aside from the Thomas gifts) have gone nearly completely untouched since. This year he is back to Thomas!!

As I look back over the past six years, I am amazed to think how far he has come in his short life and how much he has already accomplished. He has had to work harder than any child should, and between his diagnosis of Autism and being a military child (dealing with deployments and moves), he has already overcome so much!! I am so proud of how far he has come, and of the wonderful, sweet boy he has become. I look forward to watching him learn and grow in the coming years! He is my absolute world, and I cannot imagine life before him!!

Happy Birthday, little man! 
Mommy loves you more and more with every passing day!! 
Here's to making six the best year yet!


  1. Happy Birthday to your little guy! Hope you guys have a great day.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24